#ttt. (six)

This post is part of a little weekly feature to highlight some awesome things that happen during the week. Three thankful things on Thursdays… because alliteration is my jam.

March 7, 2015, 6:53 PM | sweetnothings | VSCO Grid

– Colder mornings and evenings; with enough sunshine during the day to go about in jeans and a t-shirt (check out my Pinterest board for more stylish autumn inspo). Autumn is my favourite! I’m looking forward to dirty chais at the farmers market (and with not a care about the blatant judgment from the barista), hot cross buns with butter, spaghetti squash with chickpeas and kale, and ankle booties 24/7!

– Cinnamon pancakes by Rufus on a lazy Sunday. 

Radical Face.

– Renewed creativity and spark. My work and study are science-based, so it’s important for me to get out of my left-brain space and explore my right-brain. I’m looking at doing a photo project (besides the self portrait one I’m already doing, as the latter is on my phone and doesn’t count) in the next few days. Know of any fun ones that aren’t too difficult to adhere to?

– I finally did the thing and purchased a new battery and power adapter for my laptop! Old faithful has had a dodgy power supply for the last couple of years (thanks to a certain somebunny who nibbled through the cables), and I’ve only just got around to buying a new one. 

– Festival season in Adelaide. A few weekends ago, Rufus and I went back home for a family function, and managed to fit in some friend time while we were there. We spent the Saturday wine tasting in McLaren Vale, eating in the Garden of Unearthly Delights, and dancing at the TREv artist’s party (where we saw some pretty spectacular stuff…). We have some awesome friends and families.

– Olivia’s Good Morning Journal project. 

– Instead of pie on Pi day, I made blondies and cookies. I’m cool with it.

– My little garden. It’s small, it hasn’t produced much, and I often oscillate between drowning and parching the poor things… but it’s my space in which to nurture green things and I’m so grateful for that.

March 15, 2015, 8:53 AM | sweetnothings | VSCO Grid
Rufus made me pancakes when I was feeling blue. I ate them in my purple hiking socks and Malaysian genie pants.
March 11, 2015, 4:50 PM | sweetnothings | VSCO Grid
Hints of autumn.
March 4, 2015, 5:20 PM | sweetnothings | VSCO Grid
March 6, 2015, 5:29 PM | sweetnothings | VSCO Grid
Amazing – beers and meatballs (vegetarian, for me). And the most delicious garlic bread I ever did eat.
March 1, 2015, 9:59 AM | sweetnothings | VSCO Grid

#ttt five.

sweetnothings | VSCO Grid™

– Dancing with complete abandon (flailing limbs) with favourite friends at a wedding in Adelaide. I had so much fucking fun this weekend! Congratulations to Leon and Kate (and apologies for all the hideous photos you’re going to discover on those disposable cameras).

These blondies. A little too much sugar for my sugar-phobic tastebuds, but I’ll adjust the recipe and they will be perfect.

– Breakfast with my Mum, Dad and Aunty this weekend. So grateful for the opportunity to be together – talk crap, talk science, talk personal.

– Live music. We’ve seen 24 bands this year. 24! It’s only February! This equates to 2 festivals and 3 gigs; still impressive though!

– I’m feeling super grateful for my diary-keeping habits. I found the diary I kept in Malaysia (KL, Cameron Highlands, Penang, Langkawi) last night, and spent a good long while flipping through the pages; reminiscing with Rufus about things we’d forgotten. Such as the time that we were on a bus, and a huge, heavy suitcase fell on a European backpacker (she was okay – Rufus helped her climb out from under it), which had a tiny, ancient Chinese lady next to us in hysterical laughter for a good five minutes (which, in turn, had me in a gigglefit).

– Also feeling super grateful for lazy nights on the couch with Rufus – bingeing on TV shows and cuddling up against the unseasonably cold evenings.

sweetnothings | VSCO Grid™
(L to R) photo from DisneyWorld, tiny lucky pig, Buddah from Malaysia, copper candles from the market, Grimes album, crappy record player – already broken, love fern, alcohol bottles. 
sweetnothings | VSCO Grid™
sweetnothings | VSCO Grid™
I could pretend that I’m embarrassed about my clothing choices, but I’m not. I didn’t get sunburned, and if the cost of that was looking like a dick in a stupid hat, I’m cool with it.

#ttt (thankful things on thursday)

I thought I’d start a little weekly feature to highlight some awesome things that happen during the week. Three thankful things on Thursdays… because alliteration is my jam.

– Carving out time to sit our little garden nook; reading, eating breakfast, and recipe planning. Taking time in nature in the mornings to calm my headspace and get me grounded helps to set me up for a good day.

– Frequent cuddles with Jango. Sometimes when I’m laying on the carpet with him or even in bed, he’ll snuggle right up to me and press his little nose against mine. It’s just too much.

– Seasons, our new art print by James Jean. Oh, man, it is absolutely beyond stunning. (I’ll touch on this further in a future post about our art collection. Exciting!) We’re sourcing quotes to get it framed!

– Coffees from my new Aeropress! If you followed along last year, you might remember that an Aeropress was high on my wishlist for the better part of 2014! Luckily for me, my handsome man got me one for Christmas! I love it – the procedure of it all, along with the constant scent of fresh coffee in the air.

What are you thankful for this week?


Due to a number of personal stressors, I’ve found myself very out-of-sync with my body lately. I’ve been overeating, doing too much strenuous exercise and not nearly enough restorative stretching, blaring TV in the background unnecessarily, and not really checking in to my own headspace at all. I feel cluttered, and anxious, and heavy, and tangled. In an attempt to de-clutter my mind, I want to share some bits and pieces.

Last night, after spending the day cleaning my house with nothing but baking soda and vinegar (simplicity is my latest goal), I made Kushari – an Egyptian street food dish featuring plenty of brown rice, lentils, and spiced tomatoes. While I’d never usually eat so much rice in one sitting, I found this recipe (from the latest issue of MiNDFOOD) extremely comforting: the smell of onions cooking with spices – with chillis collected from my own garden; the step-by-step simple process of boiling rice and letting it steam under a tea towel; the simple, wholesome dish itself. It was a slow process, but it made me feel grounded and humbled. It’s amazing how time spent doing what one really loves can heal.


Today has been rainy – it feels melancholy yet restorative. After going to a BodyBalance class at my gym (think tai chi/yoga/pilates), I decided to take my time with lunch. I baked a loaf of Paleolithic bread, while a batch of spicy pumpkin soup (with a pumpkin grown in my uncle’s backyard) simmered on the stovetop, and Ben Howard‘s voice echoed through my home. For afternoon tea I was craving something sweet, so – for the first time in my life – I made myself two little cookies. And that was all; just the two. (Which is particularly amusing because while watching Bridesmaids with Kelly on Saturday night, I remarked, during the scene where Kristen Wiig’s character bakes herself one lonely cupcake, “who on EARTH actually does that?!”) And I dunked those little biscuits in my black-tea-with-honey and it was damn good.




These things seem so simple – listening to what my body wants, cleaning my home, making phone calls or sending emails to finally organise that meeting or plumber or appointment – but sometimes they’re the things I struggle with the most (read!); they snowball together to create a little rubber-band-ball of anxiety in my brain. Notes to self: turn off the television (because you’re not watching it anyway) and sit at a table on a chair while you blog: you can actually hear yourself think! How novel! Refuse that little voice in your head that urges you to plunge your hand into the open packet of chocolate chips, because you know you’ll feel awful and you’re not really hungry anyway. Recognise that your craving for green tea is not satiated when you add honey or coconut oil – despite how delicious it may be. Take deep breaths. Keep. Taking. Photos. And share the inspiration – let yourself feel it often. I recently read a beautiful quote on a favourite blog which hit me so hard that I decided to put it up on my wall. And in the same vein, a post I read on another favourite blog helped me to feel inspired and comforted and hopeful and okay once more. It’s a numbers game – and you’re the one designing gameplay.



Happiness is a beautiful sunrise, warm sunshine, a thriving vegetable patch, and the beach down the road. Happiness is my head on the space below Rufus’ collarbones. Happiness is having a healthy body, and testing that body every day with long runs through the green country. Happiness is learning to appreciate free time: movie nights (both in cinemas, and at home with a packet of microwave popcorn and a bowl of Pods), whittling down reading lists, Festivals Folk, Design, Craft and Cheese. Happiness is friend-dates; beer dates, coffee dates, dinner dates. Happiness is coming home to banana-cinnamon pancakes on the stove-top and bouquets of flowers on the dresser. Happiness is listening to a band play beautiful, emotive music while you hold your best friend’s hand; it’s experiencing the live scoring of your favourite fantasy film. 

Happiness is a successful recipe; the look on the faces of those you love most dearly when they’re enjoying something you created. 

P.S – I could not be happier with The Sprouted Kitchen cookbook


This is a big month for me, and I have so much to be excited for! There are drinks this Friday to celebrate Rufus’ last day at work, and then a family barbeque on Saturday – my Mum has found me a gluten free, nut free, vegan mud cake, and I am having trouble controlling my excitement. On Sunday there will be a birthday brunch with Rufus’ family, where I will receive my wonderful new camera!
Next Thursday I finish up at work – there’s a lunch and a birthday cake already planned – and there’s my second anniversary with my Rufuscakes on the Friday! On Saturday, I turn 21! There’s a family brunch in the morning, and a dinner with friends in the evening; followed by karaoke and cocktails. Sunday is Mother’s Day.
One week from that Sunday, Rufus and I will be boarding our plane to Sydney; our first leg of the journey to Santiago, where we begin our American Adventure. We do not see Adelaide again for over four months from that day.
Life is so exciting at the moment, and I’m finding myself constantly happy, with a big smile on my face! I’m so grateful and overwhelmed and excited and… good things. All good things.
This is it. This is the month it all starts!

three things: geeky edition!

and of course by three, I meant five.
as evident in posts of old, I may be considered a geek. below are six of the geekiest, most awesome links that have graced my computer screen in the last couple of weeks.
one: 10 things you probably didn’t know about Star Wars. io9 + Star Wars = awesome. enough said, really.
two: origami greatness. this really makes me wish I had hands that didn’t shake, and a temper that didn’t boil over so easily.
three: Star Wars wedding photos. this flickr photostream really makes me smile… how could it not?! wedding photos + Star Wars = awesome.
four: pop culture silhouette portraits (via TheMarySue). this is all kinds of awesome! I’m particularly partial to the Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction portraits myself…
five: woah (via GeeksAreSexy). words cannot accurately describe the way my heart beats faster when looking at these photos. Lord of the Rings + awesome artwork + Star Wars = awesome!
and in the real world… I have a big stupid grin on my face that won’t go away! 
I have a beautiful foxy ring on my finger, a slowly reviving flower on my windowsill, sunshine streaming through my window, a soy mocha on my desk; made with love by one of my favourite people in the world, a cupcake date scheduled for later today and a handsome man waiting for me in our home that smells like waffles! life is good freakin’ awesome! (I just really need to learn to take more photos…)
to look foward to: Rufus’ cooking, a lunch date with Mum, meeting with the travel agent, a massage followed by cocktails and lunch, a rave party, and hours promised to the farmers market. (and I promise to carry my camera with me to all of these events!)

three smiley things.

I am completely up inside my head today. thoughts of travel and adventures consume and excite me, while I should be focussing on exams that begin the day after tomorrow.
1. an extremely relevant blog post that makes me feel scared and excited and nervous and smiley all at once. 
the wheels are set in motion for my US road trip next year… and I’m particularly sad at moment about the thought of leaving this wonderful little house we have made into our home, and having to move back in with my family. although I love my family dearly, the thought of living with them again – and living away from Rufus – gives me anxious butterflies; I love this little slice of independence I’ve created for myself, and I feel so conflicted about having to take steps backwards in order to move forwards in my travel plans. 
coming back after our trip to no job and no home is a daunting thought… and though I am suddenly terrified, the thought is also liberating and exciting! I hope the more positive emotions emerge once the idea of this freedom has properly sunk in.
2. Hipstercrite is hilarious. this post in particular, which is about girls being crazy in relationships, had me giggling and chuckling and snorting. I can relate to this post, sure – however, my experience of profound craziness occured in my mid-teens as opposed to early twenties! (well, I’ve always been advanced.) that being said, I sure can whack out with the best of them sometimes, and I am only twenty. there’s still plenty of time for me to turn into a nutcase before my 26th year!
3. the photos over at Melissa Chaib’s photoblog. they’re dreamy and make me wish for summertime and my own travel adventures! (source of photos two and three)

three smiley things

there is a blog post in this world that is just filled with peoples’ childhood memories. they are sweet and heartfelt and they made me smile, big-time! “but… where is this website nancy?” I hear you ask “why would you torment us with the promise of such sweetness?” well my friends, it is here. and there are more here. wow.
this photostream that I found on this adorable blog. (seriously lady, be cuter.) and seriously Katie, take more remarkable photos. be a duck! all photos on today’s post are from her photostream.
and a poem. I can’t remember where I sourced this poem, but it’s a nice read. gets the brain-cogs a-turnin’! (it has some good advice).
and one more for good luck: