slices of weekend.

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Another predominantly cold and blustery weekend in Melbourne. Rufus and I spent our time wandering around markets (the Finders Keepers art market on Saturday; Flour Market on Sunday), watching movies, and celebrating Christmas in July with a big feast, cute stocking stuffers, and kids movies.

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Most of the photos we took on Saturday night are too hideous hilarious personal to share, so this dinner table is all I have. Rufus came up with the sweet idea to give ourselves a $15 budget and buy a few small gifts for one another. THAT was fun! In the evening, we got into our pjs and cooked some mulled wine (amazing!); Liam set a pork to roast; I cooked up a vegetarian stuffing, brussels sprouts in garlic butter, and honeyed carrots. We lit some candles and feasted heartily, marvelling non-stop at our cooking skills. We watched children’s movies after dinner, and for dessert; our newly acquired stocking-stuffer treats: Turkish Delight for him, Cherry Ripe for her.

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On Sunday morning, we jumped out of bed bright and early to a beautiful day. We quickly drove to the beautiful Fitzroy Town Hall – anticipating the smell of fresh coffee beans, baking bread, and sugary-sweet donuts – for another installment of the Flour Market. It was to start at 9am – we arrived at ten-to. And the line was already snaked around the block (in the first photo of this set, we’d already moved a good 500m and you still can’t see the hall!). Sigh. We reminisced about the lines at Comic Con (1, 2, 3) while we waited. And really? It was worth the wait. We flitted from stall to stall, collecting crumpets, sausage rolls, donuts, croissants, and (naturally) coffee as we went. Then we crossed the road and picnicked in the park.

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Winter’s alright sometimes. How was your weekend?


My head is full of words today, and I haven’t shared in ages, and these photos are not glamorous or well-edited, and my blog still has a terrible layout, and I’m not sure where this post is going to end up or just what I’m going to say, but I know it needs to be said. So I’ll start with today.

Today I’m grateful. I’m overflowing with the good stuff. I’m grateful for the tawny frogmouths I see on my walk from the car to my office, every single morning. I love staring up at the beautiful, big gum trees lining my path and searching for them; without a care for my odd appearance. I’m grateful for big boxes of organic fruits and vegetables; the look of them, the smell, the excitement I feel upon getting home – exhausted, lately – to a big box of goodies, and the meals we make with our produce (Moroccan pumpkin rice with hummus and chilli-sauteed greens, anyone?)… especially I love the little snail that had found his way onto our box last night (I have a soft spot for snails – I popped him back in the garden outside before recycling the cardboard). I’m grateful for friends who make me feel excited and understood – with whom hanging out is NOT a cause for anxiety. I’m grateful for mid-week dinners with such friends; Thai food and good wine and laughing until my face aches and my stomach burns (it must be said – I haven’t laughed that hard in such a long time, and it felt damn good). I’m grateful for the music shared between friends.

fresh, local, organic, delivered.

I’m grateful for friends who make the trip from our hometown to visit us for a weekend. I’m grateful for farmers markets. I’m so grateful that these friends are satisfied with a night of movie watching in front of the TV (not a night out on the town), and that they don’t judge me when I fall asleep on the floor. You make me feel known and understood and accepted. I’m grateful that my Rufus has found a job which makes him happy to get up in the mornings. Where he fits in. Where he sees potential and growth and positivity. That he gets home at night and can’t stop talking. (Maybe just a little bit, I’m also grateful for the freebies he gets; especially tickets to film festivals).

I’m grateful for the leftovers in the fridge, waiting for me to eat them for lunch – chickpea patties, brussels sprouts and carrots cooked in butter, and crackers with avocado spread on top. I’m grateful for a brain that moves quickly. Today, I’m grateful for the sunshine.

slices of weekend: caitlyn.

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Thai food and red wine; reality TV; truffled hollandaise with mushrooms, asparagus and eggs on sourdough; too much shopping; deep and meaningfuls; mini pizzas; miserable weather; movie night and floor naps; autumn bruschetta and squirty bricks; headbutting a lightbulb; dancing – so much dancing; bohemia and art galleries; vegan cupcakes; dumplings for dinner; traffic jams at 6am; no time for hugs.

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I love it when Caitlyn comes to play.

Yelp Elite: Paperboy Kitchen

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I’ve been accepted into Yelp Elite squad in Melbourne! As well as helping awesome restaurants gain recognition by writing reviews, I get to meet cool new people at amazing events like the one I attended last night. Also, I get to eat food.

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Paperboy Kitchen is hidden in a little alleyway in Melbourne CBD. The space was fun and colourful – Vietnamese knick-nacks and cute plastic animals were hidden throughout – and the company was friendly and fun. It was great to be surrounded by people who genuinely love food as much as we do!

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The staff were so friendly and warm; more than happy to discuss their amazing food, and quick to reassure me when I mentioned my nut allergy – they even indulged me in a family photo! They had spiced popcorn on every table, a huge smile on their faces at all times, and a laid back attitude. It really contributed to the vibe of the restaurant.

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It was such a fun night! We tasted delicious bahn mi, served on little wooden boards (my favourite was the roasted cauliflower with a spicy red curry sauce) and noodle bowls, drank beer/cider/coconuts, were given dessert bahn mi with Nutella, bananas and peanuts, and left with goodie-bags which included a coconut water, our own cute plastic animal (I got a moose, Rufus got a pony), and a chocolate-chip-and-pretzel cookie.

To say it was amazing would be an understatement.


I am thankful for my home, which keeps me grounded and safe. I’m thankful for Jango; my ever-bouncy baby bunny – he’ll be turning 1 soon – who makes me smile when I’m feeling my worst. I’m thankful for my clothing; for ever-so-slowly discovering my own personal style, which communicates so much of ourselves to the outside world. I’m thankful for coffee. I’m thankful for Rufus. I’m thankful for a healthy body. I’m thankful for family. I’m thankful for a growing circle of friends. I’m thankful for food – nourishing, wholesome, delicious food – and new favourite restaurants. I’m thankful for an upcoming holiday – and of course, the financial stability required for a mid-year holiday.
I’m thankful for my ring collection. I’m thankful for my hair. I’m thankful for my eye colour. I’m thankful for new BB cream. I’m thankful for a facewash that works. I’m thankful for my favourite sunglasses and my favourite diary and my favourite blouse. I’m thankful for discovering a brand new way to wear cardigans.

I’m thankful for these photos, because they remind me of an awesome weekend spent wandering by the sea, eating delicious food, holding hands, and acquiring wonderful art.

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I need to see the sea again.

two row.

A couple of weeks ago, on a chilly Thursday night, Rufus and I were invited to meet a group of wonderful people at Two Row; a little whiskey and craft beer bar in Fitzroy.

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The place feels like you’ve stumbled downstairs at your mysterious and oh-so-cool aunt and uncle’s house to discover that they run a bar out of their kitchen. Wooden floorboards, moody lighting, exposed brick, daisies in dishes on every wall… it feels like home. A chic, welcoming home that I can only hope to emulate one day.

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It would be so easy to curl up here on a winter’s night – whiskey or craft beer in hand; a toastie on the way – and spend a few cozy hours.


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Last weekend, I turned 23.

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I wore my favourite pug jumper and my favourite skirt (which is sadly falling to pieces); we ate croissants and drank coffee and wandered through the suburbs in the autumn sunshine; we took a train into the city to see the Dreamworks exhibition at ACMI; we ate sushi (and took a photo to mirror the one in this post); I missed our families dearly; and last night – three days later – I made myself a birthday cake (recipe).

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Twenty (20), twenty-one (21), twenty-two.

wine touring.

Remember the wonderful friends we made on Australia Day? Well, a couple of months ago, after a brief back-and-forth over facebook, we all went wine tasting in the Mornington Peninsula. And it was perfection.

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Mornington is absolutely stunning – a perfect marriage of vineyards, countryside, and ocean. We drank wine and whiskey and gin, ate cheese platters, and laughed our asses off. It’s so refreshing to meet people in life that you just click with; with whom hanging out is so easy.

March/April recap.

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This is the little March/April recap that would have been. A lot has happened in these last two months! We spent 2 months house-sitting with a big sook of a dog (who I miss terribly), Rufus’ sister came to visit, our application was approved for the little house of our dreams, and we’ve done a lot of exploring and a lot of eating.

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Caitlyn came to visit on the weekend of Future Music Festival, which was a lot of fun! The highlight of her trip, however, was the exploration we did and the food we consumed. We went to the aquarium, along with Lil’ Boy Blue (crumbed eggs), Hardware Societe (the hot chocolate! gah!), Carlton Club, and PonyFish (the awesome, laid back, completely unpretentious bar under a bridge); just to name a few. It was so great having her around, and it was really, really sad to see her go. I think Melbourne wanted her to stay; we kept seeing billboards and buses with “MELBOURNE. STAY.” written on them.

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One weekend, I decided to explore Brunswick Street on my own. I ate croissants and chocolate, drank coffee and wine, stumbled across an artist’s market, and spent far too much money on homewares and succulents. It was pretty perfect.

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Another sunny weekend in April, Rufus and I decided to explore the suburb of Prahran. We ate breakfast at the wonderful Tall Timber, explored the markets, wandered the picturesque streets, and finished at Misty’s Diner with some fat-filled snacks.

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These last few photos were taken in our new neighbourhood. We walked to the local markets and ate a delectable feast (albeit, in the freezing wind) at My Other Brother; excitement ensued as a photography team was there shooting for an ad, and commandeered our table! (See reviews for the places we eat here).

As for our new home – we finally have the floorboards I’ve always wanted. We have a separate laundry and a separate dining room and a separate pantry (luxuries!). Our kitchen is huge; Rufus and I turn the music on – first thing in the morning, and immediately after getting home each day – and dance. Sometimes with wine in hand, others with Milo or chocolate or a giant cheese toastie. Jango loves the space – he binkies with complete abandon on the daily! We have huge French doors leading out into our courtyard, with the view of an vine-covered back fence greeting us – little birds have made nests there.
Life is good, and we are so happy. 

Best Wedding.

This was going to be a March/April recap, but I have about a thousand photos of the Best wedding back in March that needed to take centre stage. Most of these were taken by Rufus (hence why I’m in so many) – he has quite an eye. Looking back through these photos makes me so, so happy.
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The wedding was absolute perfection. The bride was stunningly beautiful, the groom was bursting with happiness and excitement, and an award-winning musician played at the ceremony and the reception (the highlight was the union between the two greatest people I know, sure… but the musician certainly didn’t hurt). I was lucky enough to be in the bridal party, and snapped a few photos the night before and the morning of, before Rufus took over during the wedding.

I honestly can’t think of two people more deserving of the unconditional love and support they’ve found in each other – they are an inspiration in so many ways.