just a minute in January, 2018.

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a safe and happy holiday period. It feels so redundant at this point to comment on how fast time seems to be going, so I just won’t (but I will encourage you to think about WHY it feels like time is moving so quickly… hmm). 2017 was an awesome year for me! It was hard in some ways – I struggled with unemployment, we left our wonderful life in Melbourne, I felt really sad and lonely at times – but it was also one of my favourite years yet! Liam and I got married, we went to Europe for our honeymoon, we adopted a dog, we moved home to Adelaide, and we spent so much time with our friends and family; I feel so grateful.

I think that 2018 is going to be a good one. As much as I love the feeling of a New Year – a fresh start – I’m not one for specific resolutions per se, but I do have some intentions:


My wardrobe, my home, my thoughts, my relationships, my inboxes. I’d like to focus on taking away extraneous stuff that doesn’t add to my life in any way.


The last few years have been huge. There’s been so much change, so much stress, so much to do – and it has been fun and rewarding, but also incredibly challenging at times. This year, we are back in Adelaide, we have no big life events planned, we have jobs and a home. I’d like to cultivate a feeling of settledness.  

Lean Into Joy 

To borrow a phrase from one of my favourite bloggers, Meg Fee. Lean in. Feel the joy, and be grateful for the abundance in life.

Do you “do” New Years Resolutions? What are your hopes or intentions for 2018?


Eatingso much delicious stone fruit! I love summer fruits! The yellow peaches at the farmers market are perfectly ripe, the cherries are juicy, and the strawberries come home by the box-full!

Cooking: I made this absolutely delicious meal the other night while Liam was out. Not exactly a summery dish, but my favourite kind of comfort food! I had mine over wholemeal toast, and it would go well with a generous drop of red wine, too.

Drinking: a lot of coffee. Cold drip, or a long black over ice is the usual order on these warm summer days.

Learning: about my personality type – INFJ. I love self-development and self-exploration (nobody is surprised), and I found the online quiz and the website in general really comforting.

Reading: Promethea – an awesome comic book series about a warrior-woman-goddess. Plus Solve for Happy which I’m really enjoying, and still slogging through Women Who Run With The Wolves; which I love, but is hard work.

Wanting: a veggie garden. Although we’ve been living in our little home for five months now, with all the wedding craziness we’re really only just finishing unpacking. I’d like to get a bit more settled in and set up a little veggie garden; but as it was 41 degrees last weekend, that’s probably a task best left until autumn.

Looking: forward to camping over Australia Day! Also to opening a bottle of my first kombucha brew this weekend! (Huuuuge thanks to my friend Jess from Dressed In Copper for holding my hand through the whole process!)

Listening: I’ve had a good listen to The National’s new album Sleep Well Beast.  Also, I know I’m really, REALLY late on the bandwagon, but I’ve been listening to Serial, and have been enjoying, and getting so much from the Girlboss podcast.

Wasting: food scraps. We really need to set up a compost situation at our new house!

Liking: this summer. I’m usually a cool weather kind of girl, but I’ve been having so much fun this summer! We got married and went to Europe for our honeymoon in November, and December has been full of food and fun with friends and family around Christmas and New Year’s. I’m already excited about this year!

Feeling: nostalgic, grateful, positive, hopeful. There are a few exciting projects on the horizon which I hope will come to pass!

Watching: Liam and I are currently watching the new season of Fresh Off The Boat, and Marvel’s Runaways – which we’re enjoying very much after having read the comics. We also recently finished the new seasons of The Simpsons, Modern Family and Black Mirror, and am on to Electric Dreams. I’m also watching Pretty Little Liars in my solo time. I’m only semi-embarrassed. We also watched Blade Runner 2049 which I really liked!

Needing/wearing: needing some new clothes. I’m currently in a “I hate all my clothes” phase – thankfully I received some vouchers for Christmas so I can go on a little shopping spree!

Smelling: puppy smell. If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know that we finally got a doggo! After so many Just a Minute posts wishing for a pup, we finally got one in late August. We adopted our little Kelpie x Rottweiler pup – Jet (Jethro) – from a farm dog rescue group, and we adore him. His floppy little ears flapping in the breeze when he runs towards me just melts my heart!

Grateful for: Yoga With Adriene. I’m doing the new 30 Days of Yoga program, and am so into it.

Loving: my husband! (Still getting used to that word)


I’m playing with the idea of getting back in to blogging. To be honest, I feel like I’ve lost a bit of my writing… flow…? (See?!) I’m struggling with the idea of expressing myself on the internet in such a public way, but what’s the point in blogging if it’s not a creative expression? “What’s the point” has been a recurring question I’ve posed when thinking about my blog. What do you think?


It’s been a while, friends. Plenty has changed, I’ve got a lot of blog fodder and a lot of free time, a lot of words, a lot of feelings (“she doesn’t even go here!”), and no idea how to put it all together in an order that makes sense. Also, I’ve not picked up my camera in months.

So let’s start slowly, yeah?

Eatingplenty of veggies! We’re staying with Rufus’ family at the moment, and they have a *drumroll* Thermomix, from which I am getting a LOT of use. Vegetables in everything! Rufus and I have also been enjoying our daily breakfast of oats with almond/soy milk, protein powder (I use this one), maca powder, chia seeds, flaxmeal, blueberries, banana, and almonds. Super filling and delicious!

Cooking: see above. Also, with my excess free time, I’ve rediscovered my love of the kitchen, which is grand. I’ve been making zucchini cakes, chocolate-avocado mousse, soups, and old favourites like Moroccan pumpkin with rice. Sah gahd.

Drinking: it’s starting to get cold now, so a LOT of tea. Green + peppermint, ginger, and plain ol’ black.

Learning: I’ve just completed an online certificate for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (it was as boring as it sounds). Also, I’m going to be starting my Masters by Research in the next few weeks (WOO!), so I’ve been doing a lot of reading on my topic.

Readingeek. So, toward the end of last year I read the last installment of the Southern Reach trilogy. I’ve really enjoyed these books, however they’re pretty… I want to say dense, but also pretty vague. Dense in their vague-ness? My point is that I got lost, so I needed to reread the first two in order to fully grasp the third. Also still plodding through The Third Plate and I pick up Women Who Run With The Wolves every now and then. Love them all.

Wanting: a new laptop. A job. A dog. A surf.

Looking: out the window at blue skies. Oh, Adelaide. Also looking forward to a trail walk tomorrow morning! Fingers crossed those skies stay blue.

Listening: I am absolutely loving the new song from the Bryce Dessner/Sufjan Stevens et al collaboration; Mercury. It’s calming, inspiring bliss. Very much looking forward to the release of Planetarium in 8 days!

Also loving the new The National song – The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness. Ooh! And this banger:

Wasting: mental and emotional energy on old emotional wounds. Potential too, probably.

Liking: the amount of yoga I’ve been doing lately. Rufus has also started doing some of the classes with me and I’m really enjoying it!

Feeling: so many feelings. Excitement, happiness, fear, contentment, belonging, impatience, anxiety, hope… I’m in a transitional stage in more ways than one at present, and while I usually love the murky, chaotic depths of change; this time I feel I’m rushing through it. I’m trying to stay present and remind myself that this, too, shall pass – so enjoy it while it does.

Watching: just finished Legion and really, really enjoyed it. Super weird, but so good. Also reeeally enjoying American Gods as it comes out. I highly recommend not watching the trailers for either show, and going in with an open mind. We watched Logan yesterday as well and I bawled my eyes out. It was pretty good.

Needing: meditation.

Smelling: a new candle I got for my birthday – Patchouli and Sandalwood from the Green Candle Co.

Wearing: mostly trackies and hoodies, to be honest. I’m funemployed and cold 97% of the time, so…

Noticing: just how long this post has gotten…

Grateful for: family, friends, sunshine, and Rufus. Spotlight on family and friends for a moment; nothing like an interstate move – taxing on emotions, funds, and energy – to show you who really loves you. I could not be more grateful to the groups of friends we’ve been lucky enough to stumble across, or the families we’ve been born into, for the endless generosity.

Loving: being home. Oh hey, if you hadn’t picked up on it, we moved back to Adelaide! As much as we both loved Melbourne dearly (still do, miss it greatly), Adelaide is home.

just a minute in November.

natural curls and sleepy eyes.

Um, hey. Uh, don’t be too alarmed, but it’s the end of November. In 2016. Wheeennnn?

Eatingfor lunch, I ate last night’s leftovers… and oh my goodness. It was the Hippie Bowl from the Sprouted Kitchen Bowl + Spoon cookbook, and holy moly it was delicious. Marinated tofu, brown rice, carrots, kale and spinach sauteed in coconut oil and garlic, spiced pepitas, avocado, and a delicious tahini-miso-citrus dressing over the top. YAS.

Cooking: coconut-cacao cookies. Also looking forward to doing some serious Christmas baking!

Drinking: “Detox tea” to help my “lazy lymphatic system” clear my skin. My skin was relatively clear for a few months there, and it’s now very much not clear, so water and skin tea ahoy! Also been getting into white wine while the weather warms up, and drinking the beers we made ourselves for Rufus’ birthday adventure!

Learning: about parenting attachment styles and how that can impact on people in later life. Also: “Transformation comes when we can see the broken child within the person – that is their authentic self” – Shaka Senghor. Basically, everything in the following video:

ReadingThe Third Plate by Dan Barber, Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, and The City & the City by China Mieville. Recently finished Homeland by Cory Doctorow, Room by Emma Donoghue, and I’ve also been reading through a bunch of comics lately; Low, The Wicked and the Divine, and Paper Girls, to name a few.

Wanting: clear skin. A dog. A swim in the ocean.

Looking: forward to Christmas back in Adelaide 🙂 18 days!

Listening: Tez Talks, to keep me grounded.

Wasting: the opportunity to progress my career with a systematic review online course. I just cannot be bothered.

Liking: catching up with friends after not seeing them for a whole week! Also, making plans for Christmas time.

Feeling: a little overwhelmed, a little lost, a little scared, a little tired. But also content, excited, hopeful and grateful.

Watching: this incredible, essential little video.

Alan Watts & David Lindberg – Why Your Life Is Not A Journey from David Lindberg on Vimeo.

Needing: to remember to be grateful and positive.

Smelling: Zum sandalwood-citrus room mist (iHerb code: VHV543 for discount).

Wearing: the weather is ridiculous here at present – 38 degrees one day, 16 the next. I’ve tried to tuck away my winter wardrobe but I’m still needing some cardigans and jackets. Where you at, spring?

Noticing: through this journey with my skin issues, I’m learning a lot about myself. It’s really upsetting and exhausting and suffocating and so frustrating. I’ve started taking some new supplements and bought some more intense skincare (once again)… but it’s interesting to take a pause and check in with myself in those moments of panic and frustration; when I look in the mirror and my skin has broken out again. I immediately panic and want to try ten different things at once: it’s an EMERGENCY! It’s really nice to have Rufus to guide me back down to Earth… to remind me that a methodical approach is the best one for this situation. TLDR;  I’ve noticed that Rufus can calm me down when I get into a panic about my inflamed, broken-out skin.

Grateful for: a completed degree! I DID IT! After 5 long years, I finally finished my undergraduate degree. I’m so glad I stuck it out, but I’m also so glad it’s over. I may go back to studies, but for now I’m enjoying not being a student. (It’s been a month, relax)

Loving: pupper-watching on coffee expeditions with Rufus 🙂

just a minute in July (in August).

EatingI made a huuuuge batch of veg-heavy minestrone last week, so I’ve been eating the leftovers for lunches. I also made a big batch of beauty bliss balls which I’ve slowly been snacking on, as well as banana bread from a recent big banana purchase.

Cooking: simple, warm dishes. Moroccan pumpkin with rice, quinoa with roasted vegies, soups, anything with chickpeas…

Drinking: some really tasty craft beers! We tried a delicious red ale on a whim this Saturday night; cozily rugged up in the bar while the cold of the winter night outside coaxed us into “just one more…”. Also red wine and black beer. #winterbevs

Learning: a lot about child development in my psychology unit at uni. It’s heartbreaking, but so interesting – I hope it helps when Rufus and I make a little kidlet one day.

ReadingAnimal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver, which I’m finding myself SO inspired by! I’m really passionate about seasonal eating and growing your own food, and this book reminds me of that passion. The way Kingsolver talks about asparagus makes me so happy! Also reading Railsea by China Mieville.

Wanting: a surf.

Looking: forward to heading back to Adelaide this weekend!! We have some wedding planning to do, so many friends to catch up with, and lots of family birthdays to celebrate (four, to be precise). I hope to have some time to see the ocean. I am so excited I am physically wriggling!

Listening: I’m really enjoying The Boxer Rebellion’s Ocean by Ocean. Additionally, I bought a Taking Back Sunday record while we were in America (as per my instagram post), and I freaking love it.

Wasting: compost, still. Ugh, I just can’t seem to get in a routine. Looking forward to having our own house so I can justify a huge compost heap in the backyard.

Liking: flannelette sheets and a lavender wheat bag.

Feeling: a lot. I’m slowly coming off my medication (#truthbomb) and the world feels new again. I’m genuinely taken aback at the depth of my joy – the dizziness of a kiss with Rufus, the euphoria of a tickle fight on a lazy Sunday, the swelling inspiration I feel while flicking through our travel photos.

Watching: Tez Talks. Teresa Palmer is so soothing. She’s endlessly wise – I love her thoughts on spirituality, parenting and manifesting what you want. Plus, she’s from Adelaide!

Needing: a dog. I can’t stress how badly I need more animals in my life. They fill up my soul.

Smelling: currently? Sandalwood-Citrus Zum Mist (use code VHV543  at checkout for a discount!). At home? Incense. On my body? Lush’s Imogen rose perfume.

Wearing: black jeans, a lot. I also bought a new jumper from Uniqlo over the weekend, which I really like. Very simple, but that’s what I’m leaning towards these days.

Noticing: my kale is growing! It was recently decimated by cabbage moths (I’m talking right down to the stalks, people!), but this weekend I noticed it’s starting to grow back! I am incredibly excited to eat my own kale!

Grateful for: clearer skin, my past perseverance (only nine weeks of uni left!), friends who bring me colourful silly socks for no reason, friends who I can chat with on the phone for 5 hours on a Friday evening.

Loving: life.

just a minute in april.


EatingI’ve been eating a hell of a lot of potatoes lately… I’m fighting a cold so apparently my body wants carbs. As with all things, I believe in leaning in – listening to your body, and giving it what it wants. Potatoes it is!

Cooking: very simple dishes. Hodge-podge bowl foods.

Drinking: I’ve bought some more of my favourite Cleanse tea, so I’ve been enjoying that. Also, Rufus and I just signed up to the Naked Wines subscription service, so we’ve been drinking a bit of the ol’ Pinot Noir while friends have been visiting.

Learning: a lot about the Palm Oil industry for an assignment at uni. It’s depressing AF. Read your labels, guys.

Readingcurrently reading Boneshaker by Cherie Priest, and really enjoying it thusfar.

Wanting: salt candle holders and some chakra candles. #hippiehibbie

Looking: at the inspiring blog Nutrition Stripped. It’s getting me all excited about my chosen field again! I’ve been a bit… blase about nutrition science lately (it’s so easy to get lost in the media shitstorm), but I’m feeling the passion return!

Listening: Rufus and I bought some pretty cool records on Record Store Day this weekend past! We’ve been listening to Witchcraft, but I’m looking forward to singing my little heart out to the Across The Universe soundtrack!

Wasting: a few minutes every morning, parking a little further away from my office to enjoy a walk in the brisk morning air. Guess that’s not really a waste…

Wishing: my Mum and Dad a happy 30th wedding anniversary!

Liking: the Headspace app. It’s not too hard to find 10 minutes to sit still in the evenings, and I’ve found it really helpful to my peace of mind. I just finished the Foundation course, and I’m moving on to the depression set. Speaking of depression…

Feeling: depressed. And that’s okay – these things go in cycles. I have dealt with anxiety and depression for most of my short life, and I’ve learned to lean in to these periods, put my healthy habits in place, and ride the wave.

Watching: Caitlyn and I binge-watched You’re The Worst over the weekend, and I adored it! Also watching KUWTK (don’t judge me, I’m not even embarrassed), Ink Master, Face Off, and The Amazing Race. Clearly on a reality TV kick…

Needing: a new pair of black boots. Mine have holes in them. Also some black flats for work.

Smelling: my rosemary-mint Zum Mist room mist. Super invigorating, refreshing, and just plain pleasant.

Wearing: dresses. For some reason, summer has returned mid-autumn. While I’m loving the sunshine, I’m looking forward to gettin’ real cozy!

Noticing: birds. And happy dogs.

Grateful for: sunshine, good food, a supportive partner, bunny binkies.

Loving: life. Feeling super blissed-out after that depressive funk.


just a minute in february.

Eating: hommus.
Cooking: very little. Due to my yoga bender (my last j.a.m. post), I’ve been getting home later than usual, so Rufus has been picking up the cooking slack. He’s a gem.
Drinking: black tea with a dash of soy milk. Detox tea.
Learning: to listen to my rhythms and cycles. I find it endlessly fascinating.
Reading: Middlesex, The Girl on the Train, and Taking Charge of Your Fertility.
Wanting: a quiet space to curl up in.
Looking: inward.
Listening: Lissie. Letlive. Damien Rice. The O.C soundtrack. I’m a bit all over the place, clearly.
Wasting: time and energy.
Wishing: for a cure for acne. And a cure for eczema.
Liking: my future husband.
Feeling: today? frustrated.
Watching: Scream Queens.
Needing: a holiday.
Smelling: a new passionfruit candle. Very summery.
Wearing: summer’s finally decided to come to the party (now that it’s officially autumn), so this warm week I’ll be back to long skirts and t-shirts.
Noticing: the start of a subtle shift in seasons.
Grateful for: a home, friends, family, fresh food, financial security, and a binkying bun.
Loving: my future husband.

just a minute in January.

Eating: during last weekend’s camping trip in the Yorke Peninsula, I survived on vegie sausages with bread, and beer… so now I’m filling my belly with as much fresh produce as I can!
Cooking: not much! I’ve been craving fruit and juices as opposed to cooked meals. 
Drinking: water. Boring. Sometimes I get concerned sometimes that I’m doing damage to my body with the amount of water I drink, which can be up to 7L on a hot/exercise-heavy day… Oh well. Also, lots of coffee!
Learning: “The next time you feel triggered, pause and return your attention into your body. In just one instant of pure kindness, shift your awareness out of the spinning narrative and provide a holding environment for your immediate experience.” – Matt Licata.
Reading: Just finished The Shambling Guide to New York City by Mur Lafferty (fun, easy and sassy), and Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro last week (Ugh, all the feelings. It’s an amazing book though!). Since last I updated, I also finished Inherent Vice, and read Is This The Real Life…? by Mark Blake, a biography of Queen. I’ve also kept up with a few comic book series (Mind the Gap, Revival), and recently read The Wicked and The Divine, which is AMAZING! I’m currently reading The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K Jemisin, which I’m loving.
Wanting: tattoos and travel. So… money.
Looking: forward to a month of yoga! My local yoga studio is running a 30-day challenge through February, and I’ve signed up. I’m terrified, but excited to make progress on my handstands and crow poses.
Listening: when I’m not listening to my uni lectures online, I’ve been listening to Grimes’ album Art Angels. It’s absolutely my favourite of 2015!
Wasting: still compost… I’M SORRY! I need to get my shit sorted. This weekend, I got this. Also, time on Pinterest. 
Wishing: this is really lame, but I’m not really wishing for anything. I’m good. Life is good.
Liking: my new capsule wardrobe! Posts on this coming soon.
Feeling: grateful for the trips I’ve taken in January – Sydney and the Yorke Peninsula – and upcoming trips to Ocean Grove, aaaand America!
Watching: UnREAL. It’s… well, unreal. Heh. I enjoy it immensely. Also been watching South Park, The League, and the new Food Network channel on free-to-air TV.
Needing: to get on top of my to-do list.
Smelling: blistex. It’s smeared all over my severely sunburned lips. 
Wearing: jeans. Because it’s currently 19C and raining in the middle of summer. Eugh. 
Noticing: spots. Why will my skin not behave itself?
Grateful for: amazing friends. Honestly, I am so lucky.
Loving: my attitude of gratitude. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmingly grateful for my busy, love-and-laughter-filled  life, I swear I could burst.

just a minute in October (late, again).

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is… is my face lopsided?!
Eating: definitely not meat. Kinda grosses me out looking back through my last post reading that I ate kangaroo strips… I don’t regret what I did, but I’m glad I’m back to the land of non-meat eaters. In fact, I’ve gone in the opposite direction and have stopped eating dairy and eggs as well. SO. Mangoes are coming in to season, as are berries… so that makes me happy! 
Cooking: I made the Sprouted Kitchen kale salad last night. Honestly I think that would be one of my most favourite meals ever!
Drinking: no alcohol. I’m one month through a 3-month booze ban and it’s making a world of difference! I feel brighter, more energetic, more “myself”, and generally just clearer. So instead, I’ve been drinking lots of soda water with lime. That sound boring, but it’s delicious.
Learning: a lot about psychology in my electives at uni. I’m really enjoying it! It’s blowing my mind, man. (But… what IS “mind”?!)
Reading: Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon. I’m enjoying it! It’s interesting and fun, but it’s often a little difficult to follow due to the grammar used to represent the Californian inflection. [Finally finished Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell! Really liked it in the end, though it took me a good three months to get through.]
Wanting: basically every single item from Midsummer Star. See my Pinterest board for my favourite beauties.
Looking: forward to Christmas! My parents will be away for Christmas so we’re spending the whole day with Rufus’ family – meaning that for the first time in 6 years, we’ll be at ONE PLACE ALL DAY! 
Listening: my online lectures. I’m studying over the summer this year so all my content is online. Also, Box of Light and Odesza are current favourites.
Wasting: compost 😦 GAH!
Wishing: for the violence to stop.
Liking: my new skincare range from Grace Cosmetics. Cruelty-free, Australian owned, and my skin loves the stuff! 
Feeling: hopeful, happy, fresh, relaxed, balanced, and in control. I’m feeling so very good.
Watching: Ink Master! Face Off! The Block! A lot of reality TV, apparently. Also Broad City (I love it the most).
Needing: money (for tattoos and to get my hair did), to go camping, to go surfing. A holiday. A dog.
Smelling: currently, rose water. (Just on that, Sukin is by far my favourite skincare brand – they’re a cruelty-free and carbon neutral, Australian owned company; and their products make my skin happy). I actually really need a summer fragrance! Any suggestions?
Wearing: long skirts and tank tops. It’s coming into summer!
Noticing: way too many flies. Australia in summer, everybody.
Grateful for: Jango! He is so cute! I bought him his favourite toy yesterday, and he spent the evening playing with it – aka destroying it – and it just made me so happy (see on Instagram).
Loving: life. 

just a minute in August. (late)

July 10, 2015, 4:46 PM | sweetnothings | VSCO Grid:
I took no selfies in August, so here’s another weird, grainy one from July.
Eating: oodles and oodles of veggies! Spring is definitely on its way and the fresh produce has me excited. (God, I’m excited for berries and stone fruit). I’ve been snacking on green beans – cooked for a few minutes in the microwave with some salt and pepper.
Cooking: I’ve been on a roast veggie kick recently, so I cooked up a big batch of roasted veg (pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot, zucchini, mushroom) and mixed it with some quinoa and kangaroo strips and it’s been serving me well for lunches. So good with a bit of balsamic vinegar and some salt and pepper!
Drinking: Revitalise tea, Cleanse tea, and lots of water. I’m boring. OH! Heaps of coffee. Heck yes, coffee.
Learning: Happiness has nothing to do with where you are – happiness needs to come from within. I am aware of how lame that sounds, but I’ve always been a “if only I had/was…… then I’ll be happy” kinda gal. It’s not real. I need to stop chasing things and just be in the now. What a damn hippie.
Reading: Still Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell… it’s good! Also, Love and Life by Lisa Messenger, which I’m finding incredibly inspirational.
Wanting: travel, nature, the ocean. To go camping. A dog. THAT is what I want, more pets. A dog and a camping trip – I’m a simple woman.
Looking: forward to summer.
Listening: I really like the Discover Weekly playlists on Spotify. They curate a list for your based on your recent plays. I love it! A great way to find new music. … Not sponsored. Lolzzzz.
Wasting: energy bitching about things I can’t change. Put your big girl panties on, woman, and get it done.
Wishing: I could run away to a different country and not have to deal with adult life right now. I’m feeling overwhelmed and in desperate need of a holiday. (See above)
Liking: the fact that it’s week 8 of uni already. Only 3 weeks of content to go! Then exams (boo). Then a week off! Then summer school (boo again). Then only ONE YEAR TO GO! 
Feeling: foggy, flat.
Watching: The Block is back on TV… and a lot of shitty antique shows, which we love. We love to quietly mock people. Also, we finished Mr. Robot and I loved it so, so much. Highly recommend.
Needing: an extended break. 
Smelling: coffee and flowers. An unbeatable combination!
Wearing: I’m being a brat and am completely over all of my clothes. It’s a weird, in-between time for clothing, so I’ve been layering and switching it up between big winter coats and lighter transitional jackets. Black jeans, a t-shirt and my denim jacket has been a stable outfit.
Noticing: vibrantly-coloured new blooms.
Grateful for: an earlier sunrise.
Loving: my fiance. So cheesy, but so true. He’s the best.

just a minute in july.

So far, this has been the most bizarre year of my life; although so many wonderful things have happened (our engagement, lots of friends and family visits, stability) this year has had more than its fair share of downs. But despite all of that, I’m in a very good place. Rufus and I are so happy, I’ve found a study strategy that keeps me feeling in control and on top of everything, my workload is consistent but not crazy, Jango curled up and fell asleep on me last night; which was adorable, and I have some amazing, wonderful, fun friends and an endlessly supportive, endlessly hilarious family. 
Life feels like it’s in balance and I’m so stoked. I’m excited and grateful and just plain happy.
Eating: a lot cleaner. On a related note: I’ve started eating meat again (in small doses) to see if it alleviates any of my skin issues. I don’t like it, but the scientist in me needs to know if my skin issues are related to something I’m missing from my diet (I’m (nearly) a nutritionist, so my diet is usually always in balance, except for the lack of meat). And of course, I’m only eating ethically farmed, local, happy animals. It won’t last forever, so we’ll see how it goes.
Cooking: some recipes from the Lorna Jane website. I made a stuffed sweet potato on Sunday night which was a bit bland, but absolutely delicious when some hummus was added. I also have plans to make a pumpkin salad this evening. Last night we had a chicken and soba noodle stir fry (not from Lorna Jane) – with soy sauce, sriracha, honey and sesame seeds. I love our wok.
Drinking: my favourite green and peppermint tea combo, as well as Cleanse tea. And lots of water!
Learning: The dog I walk on Mondays and Wednesdays is incredibly anxious. Some days he will literally lay down in the middle of the road and refuse to walk with me, and it’s so easy to get frustrated. He’s slowly teaching me patience. I’m learning that sometimes, you just need to stop, sit down in the middle of the road, cuddle a dog, and enjoy the warmth of the sun on your face and the peace of your surroundings. You can always (literally) pick yourself back up and try again next week, and the week after that, and the week after that. And those little cuddle sessions in the middle of the road week after week are building up a bond between us, that perhaps won’t make next week’s walk so laborious. 
Reading: After finishing Bringing Up Bebe (which I highly recommend), I read Gone Girl – LOVED IT! – and have now started Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell. I watched the first episode of the TV show with the same name, and now I can’t help but picture the characters in the book as the actors. It’s interesting so far – a period book about magicians – and I like to start a book in a different genre to the one I’ve just finished. I’ve met my ’12 books in 12 months’ goal for this year already! 
Wanting: tattoos, nature, travel, and time with my family. Our families. Our family.
Looking: inward but shining outward.
Listening: to records on our new turntable!
Wasting: same as last month – compostable trash. I need to get my butt into gear and start composting again. Save a tree, man.
Wishing: my Nanna a very happy 80th birthday. What a strong (and stubborn), intelligent, hilarious woman she is.
Liking: my increase in exercise! I’ve kept up with yoga three times a week for a couple of months and am now feeling ready to do more. I’ve started doing at least another one strength workout each week – a Kayla Itsines circuit, which is brutal (also, I don’t believe in “bikini bodies”; in fact, the term offends me. I just have to put that out there) – as well as a cardio session. I used to be an absolutely gym bunny but lost the will during the last couple of crazy years – it’s really nice to be excited about moving my body again (could I have more energy due to my meat consumption? Time will tell). 
Feeling: excited to keep planning our wedding. I don’t think we’ll be getting married next year as anticipated, but that’s okay – I’m enjoying all the pinning and planning and daydreaming while it lasts!
Watching: in my alone time, I’m re-watching The O.C. Happiness! With Rufus, we’ve finished catching up on SHIELD and The Flash, and have moved on to iZombie- which is cute and fun – as well as King of the Nerds. And we’re still going through the Key and Peele backlogs. Perhaps we watch too much TV. (Also, I’ve been loving these videos on Youtube.)
Needing: again, same as last month – to see the sea. Some time in nature in general.
Smelling: of roses. Literally! My friend recently bought me some of this rose perfume from Lush, and I love it! I’m so grateful for thoughtful friends.
Wearing: many, many layers. We woke up at 7am this morning and the temperature was -1C. We don’t have heating. It wasn’t fun.
Noticing: how quickly time is passing. It scares me! I found this page very interesting. 
Grateful for: the sunshine. We’ve had a few weeks of cloudy, gray days, and it’s such a relief to finally see the sun again. My car was sitting in the sun after work last night and it was actually so warm that I had to open my window! To the outside world! For fresh air!
Loving: life. Every bit of it.