Bicycle tour; Ubud. (Bali, Indonesia)

Ubud was more beautiful than I ever thought possible. Sure, it’s been recognised for its beautiful spirit and delicious foods in films such as Eat, Pray, Love; but I absolutely wasn’t prepared for the natural scapes, the kindness of the people, the gorgeous art and pattern work scattered throughout the town, or – most strikingly – the colours. We stayed in a lovely resort along the main street called the Alaya, which I could not recommend more highly. It was stunning! With fresh fruits greeting us in our room at the end of every day, luscious locally-made soaps and hair products in the bathroom, a gorgeous few of the pool overlooking some rice fields, daily yoga classes, and a wonderful, huge slate shower in our single-room space… it was everything I could have asked for from Bali. (Not to mention the Alaya was so kind as to gift Rufus and I two cakes: one for my birthday, and one for our anniversary; completely to our surprise!)


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I’ve divided these Ubud photos into three posts: Bike Tour, Cooking Class, and Monkey Forest – for your sake as well as mine! Up first: our bike tour.
The ride was long and tiresome, but the green rice fields, laughing faces of cheeky children, and the home cooked meal (with an ice-cold Bintang) at the end made it worth the effort. I’m not quite as sure of myself on a bike as Rufus, so he gets the credit for most of these beautiful photos (as well as hundreds of photos of my butt on a bike, which – surprisingly – didn’t make the cut for this blog). There were a few sections of the trail that almost had me in tears. It was steep, it was rocky, and I have the grace of a newborn deer. But, fuck – it was fun, and cutting through the thick, sticky air caused a welcome rush of fresh breeze to my skin.
Ubud is known for its artists and craftsmen; and this was evident in the beautiful, ornate architecture, statues and archways we passed.
The kids asked us to take their photos, and laughed at our rudimentary Indonesian (thanks, guys). It was hilarious and adorable. If we were to go again, I’d bring lollies and small toys for them – some others did and the kids went crazy.
The geese were adorable! After harvest, the farmers let geese roam through the fields and eat any insects or leftover rice! It was so funny to watch the 20 or-so geese per field play follow the leader: they’d turn in sync and eat together and paddle through the field at the same time – they were like a little marching band.

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The view from our breakfast table was that of a volcano. The earth below it is still scorched from its last eruption in the 1960’s. That was humbling. We also visited a coffee plantation and were offered some Kopi Lewak – a delicacy all over the world, Kopi Lewak is coffee made from beans that have passed through the intestines of a small, cat-like animal; the Lewak. Yep, poop beans. The Lewak was adorable, and the coffee was quite good… though we learned that some countries charge as much as 300 dollars for one cup. We paid $5. We also learned a fair bit about Balinese home customs during the ride. At one point we were stopped at a property, and our guide spoke about the different houses built on one patch of land – one for meetings, one for the elders to sleep, one for the children to sleep, a kitchen, and a temple. Outside the door of the elders’ bedroom were some rocks. We learned that the number of rocks symbolised the number of children born to that family – with the child’s placenta buried below the rock. This one part of the child’s biology being buried in the Earth signified the child’s bond to the family; to their home. 

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If you ever find yourself if Bali, I highly recommend a bike tour in Ubud. You won’t regret it.

friendships and self-worth.

The neurons aren’t firing well today after a big boozy weekend, so forgive me my ramblings. It was the kind of weekend that would usually have me wrapped up for days in a blanket of anxiety, guilt and embarrassment. I remember only scraps of time for a few certain hours between dinner and bedtime – “but what did I SAY?!” (ladylike, I know) – but hell if I’m not feeling inexplicably light, free, and secure. 

It hit me while I was sitting on my couch late at night with eight of the best people I know, watching something stupid on TV – trackpants on, makeup off. We’d spent the previous 5 and a half hours at a boutique spirits festival, and an hour or so at dinner with about a million plates of dumplings and too many bottles of red wine. It hit me that these people are my close friends. God that sounds ridiculous; I’ve been friends with some of these humans for close to ten years now… and it’s only just hit me that they are in my life to stay (this says everything about me, and nothing about them – I assure you). They have seen me at my worst, and still come visit me in my new hometown. They put up with my ridiculous drunken ramblings – screechings – every time we have one too many glasses of wine (or whiskeys, as the case was this weekend), and yet still want to do it all again the next time we’re together.

Adult friendships are so strange. There’s none of the security that seeing school friends every day offers. Less and less of the obligatory “stuff in common” conversations and more of the good, deep, to-the-bones chatter. Interspersed with plenty of shit talking and movie quotes. 

It says so much about my self-worth and self-confidence that I’ve not let myself feel like these people could actually want to spend time with me. And it’s honestly slightly shocking for me to realise this. It hurts my heart to realise this. 

But I have. And that speaks volumes about where I am right now. 

Look, anyway. It made me pretty damn happy, and wanted to share. Thanks, friends. You’re awesome. 

Unrelated gratitude:

1. Turkish tea dates.
2. Porter Robinson on a school night.
3. Selfies.
4. Coffee and pie before a film festival.
5. My favourite barista and her coffee buns. 

Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia.

I have no words in my head today, so here are some images from our time in Seminyak in May. There was good (great!) food, beautiful scenery, and shopping galore.

just a minute in july.

So far, this has been the most bizarre year of my life; although so many wonderful things have happened (our engagement, lots of friends and family visits, stability) this year has had more than its fair share of downs. But despite all of that, I’m in a very good place. Rufus and I are so happy, I’ve found a study strategy that keeps me feeling in control and on top of everything, my workload is consistent but not crazy, Jango curled up and fell asleep on me last night; which was adorable, and I have some amazing, wonderful, fun friends and an endlessly supportive, endlessly hilarious family. 
Life feels like it’s in balance and I’m so stoked. I’m excited and grateful and just plain happy.
Eating: a lot cleaner. On a related note: I’ve started eating meat again (in small doses) to see if it alleviates any of my skin issues. I don’t like it, but the scientist in me needs to know if my skin issues are related to something I’m missing from my diet (I’m (nearly) a nutritionist, so my diet is usually always in balance, except for the lack of meat). And of course, I’m only eating ethically farmed, local, happy animals. It won’t last forever, so we’ll see how it goes.
Cooking: some recipes from the Lorna Jane website. I made a stuffed sweet potato on Sunday night which was a bit bland, but absolutely delicious when some hummus was added. I also have plans to make a pumpkin salad this evening. Last night we had a chicken and soba noodle stir fry (not from Lorna Jane) – with soy sauce, sriracha, honey and sesame seeds. I love our wok.
Drinking: my favourite green and peppermint tea combo, as well as Cleanse tea. And lots of water!
Learning: The dog I walk on Mondays and Wednesdays is incredibly anxious. Some days he will literally lay down in the middle of the road and refuse to walk with me, and it’s so easy to get frustrated. He’s slowly teaching me patience. I’m learning that sometimes, you just need to stop, sit down in the middle of the road, cuddle a dog, and enjoy the warmth of the sun on your face and the peace of your surroundings. You can always (literally) pick yourself back up and try again next week, and the week after that, and the week after that. And those little cuddle sessions in the middle of the road week after week are building up a bond between us, that perhaps won’t make next week’s walk so laborious. 
Reading: After finishing Bringing Up Bebe (which I highly recommend), I read Gone Girl – LOVED IT! – and have now started Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell. I watched the first episode of the TV show with the same name, and now I can’t help but picture the characters in the book as the actors. It’s interesting so far – a period book about magicians – and I like to start a book in a different genre to the one I’ve just finished. I’ve met my ’12 books in 12 months’ goal for this year already! 
Wanting: tattoos, nature, travel, and time with my family. Our families. Our family.
Looking: inward but shining outward.
Listening: to records on our new turntable!
Wasting: same as last month – compostable trash. I need to get my butt into gear and start composting again. Save a tree, man.
Wishing: my Nanna a very happy 80th birthday. What a strong (and stubborn), intelligent, hilarious woman she is.
Liking: my increase in exercise! I’ve kept up with yoga three times a week for a couple of months and am now feeling ready to do more. I’ve started doing at least another one strength workout each week – a Kayla Itsines circuit, which is brutal (also, I don’t believe in “bikini bodies”; in fact, the term offends me. I just have to put that out there) – as well as a cardio session. I used to be an absolutely gym bunny but lost the will during the last couple of crazy years – it’s really nice to be excited about moving my body again (could I have more energy due to my meat consumption? Time will tell). 
Feeling: excited to keep planning our wedding. I don’t think we’ll be getting married next year as anticipated, but that’s okay – I’m enjoying all the pinning and planning and daydreaming while it lasts!
Watching: in my alone time, I’m re-watching The O.C. Happiness! With Rufus, we’ve finished catching up on SHIELD and The Flash, and have moved on to iZombie- which is cute and fun – as well as King of the Nerds. And we’re still going through the Key and Peele backlogs. Perhaps we watch too much TV. (Also, I’ve been loving these videos on Youtube.)
Needing: again, same as last month – to see the sea. Some time in nature in general.
Smelling: of roses. Literally! My friend recently bought me some of this rose perfume from Lush, and I love it! I’m so grateful for thoughtful friends.
Wearing: many, many layers. We woke up at 7am this morning and the temperature was -1C. We don’t have heating. It wasn’t fun.
Noticing: how quickly time is passing. It scares me! I found this page very interesting. 
Grateful for: the sunshine. We’ve had a few weeks of cloudy, gray days, and it’s such a relief to finally see the sun again. My car was sitting in the sun after work last night and it was actually so warm that I had to open my window! To the outside world! For fresh air!
Loving: life. Every bit of it.

#ttt five.

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– Dancing with complete abandon (flailing limbs) with favourite friends at a wedding in Adelaide. I had so much fucking fun this weekend! Congratulations to Leon and Kate (and apologies for all the hideous photos you’re going to discover on those disposable cameras).

These blondies. A little too much sugar for my sugar-phobic tastebuds, but I’ll adjust the recipe and they will be perfect.

– Breakfast with my Mum, Dad and Aunty this weekend. So grateful for the opportunity to be together – talk crap, talk science, talk personal.

– Live music. We’ve seen 24 bands this year. 24! It’s only February! This equates to 2 festivals and 3 gigs; still impressive though!

– I’m feeling super grateful for my diary-keeping habits. I found the diary I kept in Malaysia (KL, Cameron Highlands, Penang, Langkawi) last night, and spent a good long while flipping through the pages; reminiscing with Rufus about things we’d forgotten. Such as the time that we were on a bus, and a huge, heavy suitcase fell on a European backpacker (she was okay – Rufus helped her climb out from under it), which had a tiny, ancient Chinese lady next to us in hysterical laughter for a good five minutes (which, in turn, had me in a gigglefit).

– Also feeling super grateful for lazy nights on the couch with Rufus – bingeing on TV shows and cuddling up against the unseasonably cold evenings.

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(L to R) photo from DisneyWorld, tiny lucky pig, Buddah from Malaysia, copper candles from the market, Grimes album, crappy record player – already broken, love fern, alcohol bottles. 
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I could pretend that I’m embarrassed about my clothing choices, but I’m not. I didn’t get sunburned, and if the cost of that was looking like a dick in a stupid hat, I’m cool with it.

just a minute in January.

Eating: peaches from my Aunty’s garden! 
Cooking: tonight? Mushroom and brown rice burgers from The Sprouted Kitchen cookbook. (EEK! They have a new one out! Anyone want to buy me an early birthday gift?)
Drinking: filter coffee! Oh, how I love thee…
Practicing: photography. I’m not very good (don’t worry, you don’t have to say anything, it’s just a fact) but it’s a hobby I’d really like to improve on. 
Mastering: the blue sky of my brainspace.
Learning: to be more mindful, and grateful for what I have.
Reading: Travelling with Pomegranates by Sue Monk Kidd and Ann Kidd Taylor. I’m absolutely LOVING it, but it’s bringing up some pretty hardcore wanderlust. 
Wanting: to make some blueberry muffins.
Looking: forward to Bali! 106 days!!
Listening: Lissie. Particularly this one. Also, this amazing podcast. The second story is absolutely beautiful.
Wasting: time on Pinterest. I can’t help it – so many pretty images! It’s something I want to change about myself – to live less through others and more in reality.
Wishing: I could be back on my family’s verandah, with a glass of red wine in hand, watching the kangaroos.
Waiting: for Uni to start again! I needed these past few weeks of freedom to remember how much I enjoy learning. 
Liking: the cooler temperatures over the past few weeks! If I can’t be at the beach, I’m really not a fan of hot weather.
Wondering: whether I should be pining for a tip to Vietnam in September, or Sri Lanka. Any words of advice?
Feeling: excited, happy, lucky, calm.
Hoping: to be more humble.
Watching: Sia’s performance on SNL. Dang, that girl sings with such raw emotion. I saw her live perhaps 6 years ago now, and it still stands out in my mind as one of the very best performances I’ve ever seen.
Needing: to remember to put my retainer in at night – I’ve been grinding. (TMI?)
Smelling: Sukin’s hydrating mist toner – it gives my poor, officey face a little refresher and the smell is calming.
Wearing: the weather’s been all over the place lately, so I’ve not been wearing anything with real consistency.
Noticing: new shoots on my chili and zucchini plants! 
Grateful for: my job, my recently re-sparked career ambition, coffee breaks with girls at work… I’m so lucky.
Loving: Rufus’ outstretched arm in the middle of the night. When I fall into bed after him and he stirs; his arm reaches over and pulls me in, close to him – that happy little nest of warmth.

happy new year, friends!

I’m five days late to the party, and with not a photo to share. I’ll update a little later in the week but for now please accept my apologies, my happiest wishes for your 2015, and a little holiday gratitude list:

For playful kittens, a trip to our favourite pub, and a night of wine tasting, shit-talking, hot-wing eating fun with some favourite friends. For a quiet catch up with a small group of old pals – memories shared and so much laughter. For the sunshine, the smell of the ocean, and a body fit enough to ride the waves (nothing makes me feel more like myself than the ocean). For deep pain and fear, shared amongst a family, that will bring us closer. For a whole entire day of lounging on the couch, watching movies and TV shows with two of the coolest cats I know (guys, I’m sorry I fell asleep during Boxtrolls). For chai tea dates and wine dates with people who bring me back to myself. For my job  – I never, ever forget how lucky I am to work where I do, with the people I do. 

2014 was a huge year for Rufus and I – we moved across the country, started new jobs, ate a LOT of food and drank a LOT of coffee, saw some wonderful live music (including personal favourites The Lumineers and The National), visited Fiji with my family for a beautiful wedding, visited Adelaide multiple times, visited the Gold Coast with one of my oldest friends and had stupid amounts of fun, hit some tumultuous terrain and fought our way through, and learned more about ourselves and our relationship than either of us expected to. I studied my little butt off, made some wonderful new friends, embarked on a volunteer program that makes me incredibly happy, and learned how to let myself slow down (people that know me will laugh at that last one… but really, I didn’t run any marathons this year or learn a new language! Baby steps!).

My intention for 2015 is not too far from my 2014 intention (mindfulness) – presence. I’d like to focus once again on my finances, travel some more, keep showing up, and be 100% in it.

So here’s to 2015, friends – to health and happiness and new adventures.

what I know to be true. one.

Listening to your body and trusting yourself go hand-in-hand; both are underrated.

My dream is to live in a 1900’s bungalow with a big verandah and enough of a yard to keep a dog, chickens, a goat, bee hive, and a thriving vegetable garden. Of course, it must also be close to the beach and within convenient travel distance to the nearest city. Please?

Relationships are hard work. Successful adult relationships are hard work. But getting to kiss and cuddle a man who makes you laugh, supports you endlessly, and loves you unconditionally makes it worth the effort.

Fresh bread is one of life’s greatest pleasures.

Salt water really does cure all – whether it’s sweat, tears, or the sea.

Remember that your partner doesn’t do things that hurt, anger, disappoint or annoy you on purpose. This realisation will help you overcome your pride and be the first to reach out after an argument. Often, you’re not standing up for yourself; you’re just being stubborn. (As has been my experience, anyway.)

I am unbelievably lucky to get to share a workspace with one of my best friends and all-round favourite humans. Thank you for extended tea breaks, good music suggestions, and helping me sort through my mind-junk.

We will never be able to replicate our American Adventure, as much as I may want to. Sometimes I wish I could curl myself up and live inside those memories – never has an experience challenged, excited, overjoyed or changed me more. I am incredibly grateful.

The right playlist can turn a day around.

just a minute in September.

How are we here already? October?! Double digits?! September was pretty damn cool – we went camping, saw some live music, drank quite a bit, relished the sunshine, scored a new coffee table at a vintage market, spent time apart, hung out with friends… and surprisingly, ate out way less than we usually do. Sad.

This is not a nice photo. But let’s be real – we don’t always look like a million bucks. Can you see the blister on my nose? We sat too close to the campfire and I was rewarded with an ember to the face.

Wearing: I bought some boyfriend jeans last week, and surprisingly really love the way they look. So I’ve been rocking jeans and a t-shirt in this sunny spring weather.

Following: my morning routine, and feeling better for it!

Excited for: Gold Coast in four weeks, the end of uni classes (THIS WEEK!!!), our Great Ocean Roadtrip planned for the end of the year.

Planning: travel. To drink a lot of wine this weekend at PinotPalooza.

Feeling: really happy.

Wanting: a new laptop; currently leaning towards the Windows Surface Pro 3 or the Yoga Pro 2. Also, still, an Aeropress.

Grateful for: a gorgeous dog to walk, friends who share their fortune without asking anything in return, a beautiful group of work friends, and family.

Watching: The Block, Banshee, and re-watching An Idiot Abroad whenever I get a spare minute!

Reading: Still reading The Luminaries. I’m enjoying it!

Drinking: coffee, and black tea with cinnamon honey.

Listening: I’ve been loving the new Preatures album, and thanks to the Laneway lineup, have just found a few new bands to listen to!

Loving: rice cakes with tahini, apple, and rice malt syrup for my mid-morning snack. So goooooood! 

How was your September?

perfect inspiration.

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“It is true that departures sadden and exhilarate me, and whatever I pass through—new countries, skies pure or cloudy, seas under rain the colour of a grey pearl—something of myself catches on it and clings so passionately that I feel as though I were leaving behind me a thousand little phantoms in my image, rocked on the waves, cradled in the leaves, scattered among the clouds.”

– The Vagabond, Colette. Via.