
My head is full of words today, and I haven’t shared in ages, and these photos are not glamorous or well-edited, and my blog still has a terrible layout, and I’m not sure where this post is going to end up or just what I’m going to say, but I know it needs to be said. So I’ll start with today.

Today I’m grateful. I’m overflowing with the good stuff. I’m grateful for the tawny frogmouths I see on my walk from the car to my office, every single morning. I love staring up at the beautiful, big gum trees lining my path and searching for them; without a care for my odd appearance. I’m grateful for big boxes of organic fruits and vegetables; the look of them, the smell, the excitement I feel upon getting home – exhausted, lately – to a big box of goodies, and the meals we make with our produce (Moroccan pumpkin rice with hummus and chilli-sauteed greens, anyone?)… especially I love the little snail that had found his way onto our box last night (I have a soft spot for snails – I popped him back in the garden outside before recycling the cardboard). I’m grateful for friends who make me feel excited and understood – with whom hanging out is NOT a cause for anxiety. I’m grateful for mid-week dinners with such friends; Thai food and good wine and laughing until my face aches and my stomach burns (it must be said – I haven’t laughed that hard in such a long time, and it felt damn good). I’m grateful for the music shared between friends.

fresh, local, organic, delivered.

I’m grateful for friends who make the trip from our hometown to visit us for a weekend. I’m grateful for farmers markets. I’m so grateful that these friends are satisfied with a night of movie watching in front of the TV (not a night out on the town), and that they don’t judge me when I fall asleep on the floor. You make me feel known and understood and accepted. I’m grateful that my Rufus has found a job which makes him happy to get up in the mornings. Where he fits in. Where he sees potential and growth and positivity. That he gets home at night and can’t stop talking. (Maybe just a little bit, I’m also grateful for the freebies he gets; especially tickets to film festivals).

I’m grateful for the leftovers in the fridge, waiting for me to eat them for lunch – chickpea patties, brussels sprouts and carrots cooked in butter, and crackers with avocado spread on top. I’m grateful for a brain that moves quickly. Today, I’m grateful for the sunshine.

Australia Day weekend.

Following on from my last post, last weekend was the Australia Day long weekend. Saturday was a quiet one, centered around food! We went for a quick trip to the Farmers Market where we had a delicious breakfast at the Farm Cafe, I made a rhubarb and strawberry crisp, and we got dumplings for dinner.

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Sunday was a little more raucous. We began the day in a mad panic, as we realised that the bus we were supposed to catch left in 5 minutes, not 20. With some members of our party hurriedly finishing pieces of toast as the bus rolled up, we set off for one of the trendiest (ugh) streets in Melbourne; Brunswick. Our plan was to attend the Cider and Beer festival, however when we arrived, we were told it was completely sold out. But our plans would not be thwarted! After some kind words and hopeful smiles, we got in! And my goodness, am I glad for that!

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We drank some really amazing beers and wines, met random people who became fast friends (such good people, in fact, that we’re going wine touring with them in a couple of weeks!), laughed so hard our stomachs ached, and ate some delicious food (sweet potato burger/pulled pork burger, and apple crumble for dessert). It was such a damn good day.

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We made our way home slowly, stopping past a free sausage sizzle and having another beer at a pub while we waited for our bus to come. We sat in the backyard and drank red wine as Keren chased the dog around, then ordered pizza and ate each salty, delicious morsel in the glow of crappy TV shows. The sweetest part was knowing we didn’t have to work the next day.

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the first weekend in Spring.


This weekend was the most perfect start to Spring. Market wanderings, a food truck festival, first iced coffees of the season, board games with friends, and a long alfresco lunch (with homemade sangria).


On Saturday morning, Rufus and I headed to the Adelaide Central Markets for some foodie inspiration. I love the Central Markets, and, I admit; haven’t been there in months. We grabbed some coffees and meandered past fruit and veg stands, bakeries, stalls filled with spices and grains, and new modern charcuteries. Although we couldn’t buy anything, we nibbled at a couple of gluten-free cinnamon donuts and made mental notes for what to buy next time.

We caught the tram a few stops out of the city for Fork on the Road food truck festival! Adelaide’s first attempt at food truck festivities was a huge success. There were some really wonderful, creative trucks with absolutely delicious cuisine on offer. We opted for a hot dog and a vego burrito (respectively) and nibbled on some cheese balls while we drank beer and listened to live music in the sunshine. A few more tram stops saw us playing totem tennis and wandering through That Dapper Market – an indie market for local artists and their cute wares. In the evening, we caught up with friends over some board games and red wine. We spent five hours wandering around in the sunshine on Saturday, and sleep came easily.


After my solo walk early on Sunday morning, Rufus and I grabbed some iced coffees and headed out for the day. We wandered through the sunshine at the farmers market – marvelling at how the nicer weather improves everyone’s mood – before heading to his parents’ house for a Father’s Day feast! As always, his Mum went all out on nibbles, salads, vegetarian bean burgers, and homemade sangria. For dessert, the others had cheesecake while I had homemade tropical sorbet and chocolate-covered strawberries. After we’d feasted, we sat in the sunshine while Rufus’ Dad played the squeezebox.


Weekends like these fill me with gratitude for just about everything in my life. I’m feeling revived and optimistic, though I’m also deeply nostalgic for our adventure to America last year (the beautiful weather evokes bittersweet memories of our trip), and as always, just a little sad to see the weekend end. With tired eyes and slightly-sunburned skin we saw a sneak-peak of summer, and I couldn’t be more excited.

wednesday morning sunshine.

My house is a mess, and I don’t have time to be blogging, and it’s colder inside than out, and I still use plastic cups. I know, how gauche. But today, I don’t care. Today, I’m bursting with gratitude for my tiny house, and my farmers market flowers, and the sunshine. Especially the sunshine.


P.S – Rufus is writing again, and I couldn’t be happier.

slices of weekend (birthday edition!)

I suppose the fun really started on Wednesday night – Rufus’ birthday! Rufus and I went out with his Mum, Dad and Nanna for some birthday tapas; despite the bitingly cold wind. We shared a carafe of sangria, a few plates of very tasty Spanish food, and some warm, indulgent churros for dessert.


On Friday, I ate burgers with one of my favourite people in the world (remember my Melbourne trip in February? And then in April?). We drank imported beers at Jack Ruby (a little American-style bar), and snacked on free popcorn, as we spoke about… well, everything. She has the ability to put everything in my life back in perspective. She honestly makes me a better human. I miss her quite terribly, truth be told.

In the evening, we went to Melt Pizzeria for Rufus’ surprise birthday dinner – I’d been planning it for months! (How I kept it a secret I will never know, as I am a terrible liar.) We sat around long tables and laughed for hours; filling our plates with pizza and tapas, and sipping on really great wine and beer. Rufus’ face was so sweet and endearing as he blushed and turned shy with the sudden increase of dinner-guests!


Saturday involved pancakes for breakfast, coffees and op-shopping and exploring a new part of town, a trip to our favourite Greek supermarket, long walks through the suburbs, and a beautiful engagement party for my cousin. It was such a wonderful day, made perfect with a night of laughter and silliness with my family over a few glasses of wine. I couldn’t have been any happier when I fell into bed on Saturday night!


Sunday morning was delicious.


Sauteed kale with chili flakes and goats cheese, eggs on wholemeal crumpets (with a little blackberry-vanilla bean jam), and a cup of tea. I flicked through blogs while Rufus played video games, and the morning started perfectly. We spent a little time at the farmer’s market before heading to his parents’ house to do our washing, where we cuddled on the couch and watched nature documentaries for hours. In the evening, we ran down to the beach to catch the sunset. We ate noodles for dinner, and watched cartoons with Jango before bed. After this weekend, I’m bursting with gratitude for the people in my life.


I’m starting to shake off the winter blues as I get more excited about Spring. I’m making plans for picnics and barbeques and wine-and-cheese nights and after dinner walks. I don’t know exactly what’s renewed my optimism and inspiration for life, but I’m glad it did.

slices of weekend.

This weekend a switch flicked. A decision was made. The idea came back into my head that I had the power to change my happiness. And so I did. With a warm bowl of oats with peanut butter, I did.

Rufus and I spent Friday night with our respective work-friends; I was at Casablabla for tapas and wine, he was at a pub for “gentleman drinks” (which entailed him shaving the chin out of his handsome beard and donning a bowtie, vest, and shirt – he was adorable). I had so much fun – we all got giggly and chattered as we ate, and I danced in front of an entire restaurant with my boss’ 6-year-old daughter. The night ended responsibly – with glasses of water and sleep before midnight.

Saturday morning was rather slow, nonetheless. We went for a walk, and watched Jango as he lay in the sunshine next to his bowl. In the evening, we celebrated my Dad’s birthday at Nanna’s house. All I can say is that I love my immediate family, and that I am ridiculously lucky to have my Rufus.




Sunday morning was lovely. We started the morning slowly, in bed. The rain fell steadily outside – pounding on the roof, tapping at the windows, dripping from the eaves. The sound was so simple: soothing. Rufus breathed quietly next to me; taking in the deep, calming breaths that sleep brings. Jango made gentle sounds in his hutch as he rearranged his toys. I read old Kinfolk magazines while Rufus slept, and felt inspired.

We went to the farmer’s market (after I made chia puddings for breakfast) and dodged the raindrops. It was a good morning! We tasted some delicious goats cheeses and were given a free (half-block) sample! Afterwards, we came home and took solace from the weather with lunch and a movie. In the afternoon, I went out to Bikram yoga (I love it!) while Rufus played video games, and in the evening we ate a quick dinner at Nandos before seeing Elysium at the cinema.


I miss this space.

slices of weekend.


This weekend, we welcomed a new addition to the family – we got a bunny! His name is Jango and we are absolutely head-over-heels in love with him! In fact, after picking him up on Saturday, most of our weekend was dedicated to Jango: buying toys for him, watching him binky around the living room, enjoying the way he whacks a toilet roll against his hutch (and then laughing ourselves stupid when he dragged it into his sleeping area at night), nearly exploding when he dipped his paws in his water bowl and then cleaned his face and ears with them… He’s pretty cool. Even if he does leave little ‘presents’ all over the house.


Other highlights include puppysitting the sweetest little dog in the world (my dear friend‘s new puppy Banjo), actual sunshine, an early morning workout, breakfast at Zest cafe (muesli, fruit and yoghurt for her, spicy baked eggs with chorizo for him) in the aforementioned sunshine, frolicking through the farmers market and meeting up with a good friend, beers and nachos and a hilarious movie with some awesome friends, and a family dinner on Sunday night.

I’m pretty damn happy. I love animals, I love the sunshine, I love food, and I love my Rufus. Plus, we grew a gorgeous yellow rose in our backyard. What more could I ask for?!



…He’s got a freakin’ moustache, guys.

slices of weekend.


This weekend started with croissants with strawberry jam, juice, and huge cups of tea in the backyard. Rufus and I enjoyed our time together for as long as we could before I needed to run out and buy shoes for the day’s wedding (true to form, Kelsey). He went off to get ready with the boys while I tried my best to match my shoes with my clutch. The wedding was beautiful, but you know that already.

On Sunday, I was feeling rather sorry for myself. We went out and bought eggs, then cooked them with mushrooms and spinach. We dragged our heels around the farmers’ market and chased up a few errands before heading to my Aunty’s house for my Mum’s surprise birthday lunch. We sat with my family and laughed and talked and wished and laughed some more. We ate delicious salads and Rufus ate his weekly fill of red meat. It saddens me to say, but it wasn’t long enough. There’s never enough time spent with my family.

I made pasta. I’m not usually a huge pasta person, but let me just say: Sprouted Kitchen Cookbook. I know, I know. Do I even own another cookbook? Yes, yes I do. But I rarely use any other. Sprouted Kitchen Cauliflower Capellini was so good; when I nibbled at a piece of the nutmeg-roasted cauliflower I literally gasped, “wow”ed out loud, and promptly burned my fingers as I scrambled for another piece. To the original recipe I added chickpeas and spinach, and used walnuts instead of hazelnuts. I also may have skipped ‘seconds’ in favour of standing over the pan, nibbling at pieces of cauliflower. I regret nothing. 


just a minute in March.

Okay, so February ended. Two weeks ago. And I did no Just A Minute post… BUT! … I’m sorry.

February was a good one; I got back into exercise, I started planning my meals and cooking more (always a personal saviour), I caught up with girlfriends and went and visited a special lady in Melbourne, the weather got cooler – and then heat up again, and I ate a LOT of delectable food (when does that ever NOT happen?). 

As I sit here, wrapped in one of Rufus’ hoodies, polishing off my black tea with chai honey, I’ve decided not to look into the past, but to focus on the present, and skip again head to Just a Minute in March. The days are getting shorter and the air had a definite chill in it this morning, which pleases me to no end! I think I need this winter. We’ve had perpetual summer since 2011 (due to our little jaunt down America way), and while I’ve enjoyed the energy and the chaos and the adventure, I’m ready to get a bit cozy.


Watching: After giving ourselves a month to mourn the loss of our beloved David Tennant Doctor, Rufus and I started watching Dr. Who again last night. You know, I like Matt Smith already. We also just started watching Game of Thrones again, though we’re only up to Season 2, so no spoilers please!

Reading: So far I’m on track with my resolution to ‘read at least 12 books’; finishing The Paris Wife and Embassytown (phewph, that was a dense read) in the first two months. I’m currently reading The Time Traveller’s Wife, which I am enjoying far more than the film! I’m about halfway through (it’s a sizable book), so let’s hope I finish it before the end of March!
Drinking: Currently? Black tea with honey. But in general, I’m on a bit of an Earl Grey binge at the moment – with a dash of soy milk and a drop of honey. And water. Plenty of it.
Listening: More than anything, I’m just enjoying the quiet. I’m currently listening to the birds.
Loving: Memories. Laughing with friends. The promise of croissants with Rufus this weekend. Future travels. Rufus in general, actually, for lighting all the candles in our home (of which there are many) last night, and surprising me with dinner when I got back from gym. What a guy. 

click, click.

Oh, dear. Life really does have a way of testing you sometimes, doesn’t it? It’s not all bad – Rufus and I are incredibly happy together, we have a roof over our heads, and I found a spaghetti squash at the farmer’s market this weekend. I had a great, girly weekend while Rufus went away on a fishing trip/buck’s weekend. On Friday morning, Caitlyn and I went boxing, then came home and cooked up a huge brunch feast. In the evening, we watched Pitch Perfect (yes, okay, I maybe enjoyed it a little bit), ate sushi, and drank rose.

On Saturday (after work) my high school best friend Kelly and I talked existentially (for, quite literally, hours), ate cheese, drank far too much wine, made nachos, watched Bridesmaids, and laughed until we cried. I miss that girl. On Sunday, we drank coffee and talked some more, went out for breakfast at The Annex, walked along the beach in the sunshine, and meandered around the farmers’ market.

My new favourite lunch dish – garlicky kale and walnuts, with fried eggs on sourdough toast.

I took no weekend photos – I was far too busy having fun (and stuffing my face) – so I’ve gathered a few interesting links for you to peruse on this fine and dandy Tuesday.

  • I like to crochet, I’m just incredibly impatient. I’d love to try this pattern. So cute!
  • Kale? Goats Cheese? Wow, yes please. Once again, the Sprouted Kitchen wins my heart. (Take me back to South America!) 
  • I’m trying to change my eating habits – to be more wholesome and nutritious, listen to my body and approach life more holistically. I have spent many-an-hour lately perusing Heidi Swanson’s food blog, and this recipe is high on my to-make list. 
  • This. Brooch. Keren, Kelly – I’m looking at you two.
  • Rufus and I have a thing for otters – in that we adore them! I would love to add this egg cup to my collection.
  • Speaking of travel, the wheels have been set in motion for our next trip! South East Asia, here we come! I am just so, damned, excited! I’ve always wanted to combine a holiday with some volunteer work, and this program caught my eye recently. If anyone knows of any reputable volunteer companies, please let me know!
  • My Pinterest helps me to feel inspired when I get low sometimes – it paints a beautiful picture of what I’d like my life to look like. What I’m aiming towards. Do you have Pinterest? 

While I wait and hope for life to get better, I’m trying to stay positive; give thanks for the weather (the much-needed rain yesterday followed by beautiful clear blue skies today), get organised for Uni, which goes back next week (Next week?! Seriously?!), water my garden and watch it slowly grow, keep my body moving and take deep breaths. 

How do you stay positive when life gets rough?