kuala lumpur.

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! I hope you had a beautiful Christmas period with plenty of family, friends, and fantastic food – I know I did! It’s been a long time and I’m so excited to share what’s been going on with ya’ll! In my last slices of weekend post, I coyly hinted that we had some big things on the horizon.
Firstly – as you can probably infer from my title – Rufus and I went to Malaysia for a brief holiday. It was absolutely fantastic and I plan to inundate my blog with photos very shortly. Secondly, um, Rufus and I are moving to Melbourne! I was lucky enough to get a job at a Melbourne university (for which I could not be more thankful), and we do love the big, exciting city (as evidenced here and here), so we’ll be leaving early in the new year! I’m so incredibly excited (and nervous, and a little overwhelmed) – I’m looking forward to exploring and eating at a thousand new restaurants and living (and working!) with one of my favourite humans in the entire world, and I fully intend on documenting every single step along the way!

First things first though – Malaysia! Our first stop was Kuala Lumpur.

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We ate some absolutely delicious Indian food on the first night, then spent the rest of our time wandering the streets of the city at length, peering through the windows of designer shops in the multitude of fancy shopping malls throughout the city. The food was so wonderfully tasty and spicy – Rufus especially enjoyed eating curry and rice for breakfast every morning! We met some beautiful little animals and saw some awe-inspiring temples at the Batu Caves just outside the city… Oh! And we fed papaya to baby elephants!

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That little guy was my favourite! As someone who is very much affected by animal cruelty, I was so relieved to find the elephant sanctuary so environmentally friendly. The elephants are rehabilitated after injuries or run-ins with farmers of the palm oil plantations, and set back into the wild in more appropriate areas, where they are often able to be found by their herd!

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We were expecting just another big, dirty city, but we actually had such a great time in Kuala Lumpur! There was so much to do – so many day trips to take – we left feeling as though we could have used an extra couple of nights in the city!

Next up: the Cameron Highlands.


Last night, while I was sitting outside in the glow of my fairy lights, listening to the crickets chirping, I reflected on what an awesome Christmas just came and went. The things we did were great – so much delicious food, lots of laughter (as always at our family events), wholesome grown-up dinners with friends – but something small really struck me this year. I sent out Christmas cards from Rufus and myself for the first time ever, and that was nice. We sent some cards to friends we made overseas, and that just made me feel so incredibly… cool. I know, I know (“oh, you know so-and-so, the ones we met in Bolivia”… I never get tired of saying that). But thinking about these people reminded me of the adventures we had with them – the vulnerability that we shared and used to create these bonds; reminded me of the four months out of this year that were the most crazy, surreal,confronting, amazing months of my entire life. 

I think about the gatherings we had with friends and family before leaving back in May; about how many people stood up, with tears in their eyes, and told me they loved me – that they wished nothing but wonder and excitement – that they looked forward to seeing me come home safe. It makes me feel empowered and it makes me feel so small – like a tiny piece of a huge, beautiful jigsaw puzzle – all at the same time. How do you explain to people that they make you feel infinite? How can you thank someone for that?

I’m babbling. Christmas was a success this year – I ate a lot of food, I laughed with people I hold dear, and I was reminded that I am loved beyond comprehension. What a wonderful world, indeed.

2012 was hard, and fun, and probably my favourite. I have a few musings on 2013 I’d like to share too… do come back soon, won’t you?

christmas at home.

mentioned that Rufus went out and bought us some fairy lights and a brand new tree, in order to fill me with Christmas cheer and general merriment. What I haven’t yet mentioned is that he also bought us a Lego Star Wars advent calendar! He knows how much I love regular advent calendars, but that I can’t eat the chocolate inside, which makes me sad. What a honey heart!

Star Wars Advent Calendar!

Fairy Lights
MinnieI love these fairy lights and I love our tree, and I just love this time of year! It’s all the emphasis on food and love and giving I adore. I’ve been making sugared peanuts for friends; placing them in mason jars with little tea candles, decorating them with coloured ribbons – but I’m yet to start my Christmas baking! I’m a little… enthusiastic, I know. 

How do you celebrate this time of year? Are you a fan of Christmas, or not so much? I’d love to hear some differing opinions!

just a minute in December.

I love reading other bloggers’ Just a Minute segments and thought I’d play along – I’m thinking of keeping it as a regular monthly segment throughout 2013! I’d love to read some of your answers too, so let me know if you do join in!

Watching: Rufus and I only have a couple of hours with each other at night, after he finishes work and before he falls asleep. We’re currently filling those hours with Doctor Who, and I’m loving it!
Reading: Finishing up Life of Pi. I’ve found it to be an interesting read, but not a real page-turner. It’s dragging on for me a little at the moment, but I’m almost finished! Next I think I’ll start on Embassytown by China Mieville.
Drinking: My usual smoothies for lunch, lots of coffee at the cafe, and not nearly enough water. And with all the illnesses going around at the moment, I’m trying to keep my green tea intake high!
Listening: I’ve never been a fan of She and Him before, but lately I’ve found myself craving the sound of her unusual vocals. The Christmas album is a good one!
Loving: Brainstorming gift ideas, ticking things off to-do lists, and the anticipation of new chapters in new places (more on that one later)! Oh, and 2-and-a-half years on and I’m still giddy in love: that’s pretty fantastic.

Merry Christmas.

I hope you all had the most Merry of Christmases! for me, this Christmas was an absolute rollercoaster of emotion. so many wonderful gifts, so much laughter, so much delicious food, and so many wonderful family members to be thankful for. 

Christmas eve was spent baking – gingerbread men, spiced biscuits, peppermint patties, caramel slice and French chocolate bark – and then involved a seafood feast with delicious salads, mind-blowing desserts, and Star Wars with Rufus’ parents. Christmas Day began with a 7am Nerf fight with my man, present giving, and lots of happy smiles and laughter. we ate a huge, delicious lunch at Rufus’ uncle’s place surrounded by wonderful family (and Skyping with other wonderful family members), then headed around the corner to my Nanna’s house for a second helping of pudding and a walk down the beach with my cousins, my man, and my sweet, sweet puppy dog. 
we wandered slowly along the beach; her poor little eyes unable to see properly, her little ears unable to hear properly. she couldn’t walk down the steep ramp onto the sand, so I picked her up and held her against my chest, my heart beating against hers, and I whispered to her closely to keep her calm. she trotted along happily on the sand behind me, enjoying the breeze in her face and the cacophony of sounds and smells, occasionally wandering into the ocean – though I had to keep her leash taut, lest she feel like she was lost. 

Christmas night was spent at my parents house; opening more gifts, watching Robot Chicken Star Wars, and having such a lovely time with my parents and my Rufus. we slept in my bedroom with the windows open, my parents a few doors away. we woke up on Boxing day and ate croissants for breakfast, then walked down to the main street and drank iced coffees – holding hands and laughing giddily as we picked rosemary from the bushes that line the main road. we cuddled on the couch with a Christmas bear as my parents got ready, then headed back to my Nanna’s for more family frivolity – playing with the dogs, a raucous game of Articulate! with my cousins, more present-giving, the most amazing vegetarian stuffing, lots of delirious laughter, and Nanna’s delicious shortbread.

that evening we went out with friends to see some bands play. unfortunately the fun was short-lived, as my parents were waiting for us when we got home. my little puppy dog had passed away. 

while my heart is broken, my stomach is sick, and my eyes won’t stop weeping, I cannot express how thankful I am that I got to take her for one last walk along the beach. to cuddle her close to me, calm her with my heartbeat and my voice, and let her experience the sand and the sea one last time. she has left a hole in my heart and I don’t have the words to tell you how much I miss her, and how much I loved her.

I miss you Roxy. Rest in Peace.

slices of weekend.

I spent Friday running errands with Mum (an activity which always soothes and refreshes me) – stopping for coffees and barbeque plates and to meet cute kittens. We visited my Grandpa for his birthday, and sat around their dining table with cousins, brothers and aunts, eating sandwiches and reminiscing about Christmases gone by. I spent Friday afternoon with some of my favourite people; drinking beer in the sunshine, celebrating a 30th birthday and the end of the year, laughing and catching up and enjoying the heat.

Saturday involved shopping for baking supplies, caramel slice-baking, hair cuts at an awesomely decorated home-salon with some of the coolest people, incredible thunderstorms, white wine with Mum, and celebrations for my (not-so) little brother’s 18th birthday! we ate another barbeque outdoors while the thunder roared loudly and the lightning flashed purple, green, and red around us, played with an iPad and took hideous and hilarious photos, had tickle fights on full bellies, and watched cartoons until we nearly fell asleep on the couch. 

Sunday’s weather was miserably grey and blustery; there was a much-needed work out, farmers market wandering in the pouring rain with favourite friends, a visit to a nostalgic and nerdy store across town, and Christmas card-making while watching The Holiday and eating candy canes.

1. beautiful flowers from Rufus, blueberry soy yoghurt and peaches, toast with homemade mulberry jam and a pretty sunrise.
2. beautiful favourites.
3. a lovely pub.
4. salad goodness.
5. hideous/hilarious iPad photos.
6. short hair and Christmas tablecloth.
7. a breathtaking sunrise.
8. toast with almond butter, strawberries and honey, and blueberry soy yoghurt (my new favourite).
9 &10. merry making – Christmas card creation.

the start of the festive season.

I’m feeling more than slightly overwhelmed at the massive spending spree I must embark upon to show my loved ones just how much I love them. although I’m determined to bake all my gifts this year (to both save money and, if I’m being honest, because I believe that handmade gifts are better than store-bought), even anticipating trips to the grocery store for baking supplies, and to the craft store for wrapping paper and ribbons is enough to send me into a mild panic attack.

I am excited for the festive season, though: for houses filled with family and friends, wine and laughter, and meal after meal after meal; for hours spent soaking up the sunshine, reading books on the beach without that foreboding, relentless feeling of guilt that comes along with university; for putting up our Christmas tree and baking Christmas treats; and for fairy lights all over town.

mostly I’m filled with thanks. for dinners with friends spent laughing out loud in public, mouths filled with Thai noodles; for delicious meals, well-loved dresses, and complete acceptance at family dinners; for female friends who adore food, rejoice in evenings of wine, clothes swapping, art and culture, who hunger for new adventures and new challenges, who are intelligent (and present themselves as such), and who strive to make a difference in a world where so few people believe that they can; 

for a partner who is ever-patient, ever-understanding, ever-forgiving – with whom I can talk about books and films until my throat is sore, who makes me laugh until my face aches and my belly is in knots, who I never get tired of spending time just being with, and who honestly makes me feel like the most beautiful woman I could ever hope to be.speaking of thanks, Thanksgiving is an American holiday which I absolutely support (sans turkey), and which I sincerely hope will make the transition to Australian culture, as Halloween has done. stopping to give thanks with all sorts of family, getting together and eating huge, delicious meals?! yes.

how are you handling the start of the festive season? have you put up your Christmas tree yet?! I feel terribly slack for not having mine up at home – however, I have decorated the reception area of my building! it counts!

these beautiful photos are from Ilona Shevchishina‘s photodonut page.
I find her photographs absolutely mesmerising. there seems to be something so strong and so interesting about these women…