slices of weekend.

Awesome weekend funtimes!


So, despite being on deaths door last week (maybe a slight exaggeration… I had the flu), this weekend was beyond wonderful. Perfect food at Top Paddock for breakfast on Saturday (these guys own several cafes in Melbourne and are just killing it! My toast with (perfectly blanched) broccoli and sugar snap peas, poached eggs, Heidi raclette, avocado, and roasted almonds was just… beyond); dancing, drinking (rum and ginger beer), eating (GREEN SMOOTHIE!), laughing at the expense of drugged-up festival-goers, and standing on tippy toes to see FKA Twigs at Laneway festival – my favourite Australian music festival by far; and a long beach walk with coffee and cookies.


this may be blurry, but Rufus looks so damn happy, so I don’t care.




out of focus, but so beautiful.




I’m growing out my eyebrows… can you tell? (Yes, I know you can.)


I love the ocean. It wasn’t particularly hot on Sunday, so apart from a few dogs and their owners, we had the place to ourselves! We met a trooper of a pup with only three legs, fished through the rock pools for little crabs, watched the pelicans and swans take off in the wake of an energetic kelpie, and climbed on top of all the rocks we could find. Life is good.

How was your weekend?

great ocean roadtrip.

The Great Ocean Road was absolutely stunning. The first day of the trip was spent following the gorgeous blue, winding coastline, with only a few stops to see the Round The Twist (man, that website is amazing) lighthouse, the Twelve Apostles, and famous surfing hotspot Bells Beach. We set up camp in Portland, took Jango on a walk on his leash, ate and drank at the local pub, and hit the hay nice and early.

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At 5am, we were woken by this little jerk. Adorable, yes (I have approximately ten thousand photos of him), but have you ever heard the noise koalas make when *ahem* in heat? I woke up with a huge fright and whacked Rufus next to me, completely convinced that we were about to be eaten by a bush pig.

Koala barking aside, it was a super peaceful, incredibly beautiful trip.

#flashbackfriday Pulau Langkawi

Look at me, being all trendy, using hashtags n’ junk. I thought I’d cash in on this trend and use Fridays to take a trip back in time and reflect on past travels.

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Pulau Langkawi was an absolute dream ending to our Malaysia trip last December (previous posts 1, 2, 3). We spent most of our time swimming in the resort’s infinity pool (occasionally drinking face-meltingly-strong cocktails in the swim-up bar), reading in the sunshine, eating delicious foods, and marvelling at the wildlife. The one day we set off to explore the island, we decided to take a ride on the huge cable cart to admire the views from the top of a mountain. Not a great idea, really, considering Rufus is extremely afraid of heights. But man, what a rush! And what a view!

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We were lucky enough to score a beach-front room at the resort, so the first thing we did after walking through the door was run straight to the back door to admire our view. Incredibly rude of us apparently, as we disturbed a huge dragon (lizard, like the one below) that was chilling out in the backyard. Sorry buddy! We also saw squirrels, Malaysia’s national bird, kittens, and a multitude of adorable monkeys!

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slices of weekend.

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quiet moments.
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beauty in strange places.
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A mini-harvest. Featuring one single pea pod, 3 leaves of rocket, and half an un-ripe kale leaf. Those peas and that rocket blew my mind.

A great one, this week! We experienced a real Spring weekend – I was loathe to be inside, and lots of light beer was consumed. Highlights include after-work drinks in my backyard with a favourite on Friday, a solo beach walk (and coffee consumed while sitting in the sand in my good jeans), lunch at our local, shopping for camping supplies, movie night and sweet potato burgers, a sundrenched walk to the local bric-a-brac (/vintage) market; a coffee table score, and time spent studying (less thankful for the study, more for the peace of mind and clarity it brings).

We also attempted to save a tiny possum that had been hit by a car (carrying him, wrapped in my cardigan, as we walked home, and then straight to the animal hospital), but unfortunately he couldn’t be saved. While it was heart-wrenching, and I may have shed a tear or twelve, it was humbling to be part of this animal’s journey, and reminded me of just how much happiness animals and nature (the whole cycle) bring me.

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a solo beach morning.
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beach boxes.

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Cranberry-coconut-dark chocolate cookie – to get me to the Eftpos minimum. Also because it looked delicious.
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dat face.
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perfection in a huge salad bowl.

How was your weekend, friends?

reminiscing, and travel.

2 years ago today… I know, I know. I’m living in the past (which has never been my vice of choice). This trip was just so life-changingly incredible, and while I’m disappointed that I didn’t share my experience while they were actually happening, I’m really stoked I get to re-hash the experience over and over again as I share photos 2 years later.

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I don’t have my diary with me (in which I kept, in incredible detail, thoughts on our daily adventures), and I can’t remember everything, but here’s what I do remember:

We woke up fairly early with excitement, as we had a tour of the Everglades booked! Our hostel was oh-so-cool; just the right amount of dirty, colourful, and comfortable. I don’t remember what we ate for breakfast, but I do remember how it felt to see an alligator about 2 feet from me. I remember how loud the airboat was; how we had to wear earplugs. I remember how beautifully serene it was when our guide stopped the boat, and we floated; searching the water surrounding us for wildlife. It was absolutely stunning, and I would do that again in a heartbeat. After the tour we headed back to the gift shop (I’m pretty sure Rufus ate something with Alligator in it… I had an apple), and then to a small enclosure where we learned about how intelligent Alligators really are – that they can be trained – and to demonstrate this, the trainer put his head inside the mouth of the great big reptile. It was so damn cool.

Later in the day, Caitlyn and I decided to go exploring while Rufus had some solo time. We walked to the beach, and I was absolutely blown away. I had expected a dirty tourist trap, but the water, the sand, the beach-goers, were absolutely pristine! It was stunning. We weren’t wearing our bathers so we took our sandals off and splashed around in the shallows (I remember how warm that water was – how much it frustrated me that I didn’t have anything to swim in). We wandered up to Wet Willies for frozen cocktails, and sat for an hour or so – laughing our heads off, talking and drinking, until we didn’t make sense anymore.

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I find myself travelsick more often these days. I have itchy feet. That’s the term, right? I’m planning trips in my head – shall we go to Spain? Morocco? Vietnam? New Zealand? – but without a solid goal, saving just seems so hard. We have plans to go to Indonesia and Singapore with two of our favourite people in 2016, but my God, that seems like a long time to wait! I have three weeks of Uni holidays in the middle of next year, and want to get out of the country – any destination ideas for a 3-week getaway?

In the mean time we have camping trips, Gold Coast adventures, and Great Ocean Road-trips planned for the next few months. I am so freaking excited and so, so thankful.

a perfect day.

I was perusing The Happiness Project website the other day, and found a list of interesting questions (which, for the life of me, I cannot find again). I filled them all out – I won’t share, as some of them got a little personal – but this one has stuck with me; playing on my mind since I realised what was true. 

What would your perfect day look like?

Wake up before the sun; drive (or walk) to the beach for a surf and to watch the sunrise; after surfing, stretch out on the sand – maybe do some yoga – and play with the dogs; meet Rufus for brunch and lots of delicious coffee; head out to an art gallery or museum or zoo and play; in the afternoon, meet friends or family for some red wine and cheese; head back home (to the country, with wide open spaces) in the evening with friends for some more drinks, a hearty meal (made with ingredients from our vegetable garden), and a bon fire; late at night, when all our friends are gone, I curl up on a huge, comfortable couch under a blanket with Rufus – we watch a movie (during which I fall asleep), eat popcorn and dark chocolate, and drink tea.

I was both surprised, and not, by my response. It was a little surprising to me, at first, that my perfect day would include so much alone time first thing in the morning. Although I suppose, as an introvert, I do tend to find those quiet moments most energizing. I think that morning time spent alone, in nature, grounds me; keeps me calm and clear and brings me back to myself. Doing some exercise in the morning is always good for my headspace, as is a view of the ocean and a sunrise. Brunch is no surprise; I love the meal! And wanting Rufus to be the first one I see after getting my bearings is not at all surprising. Getting cultural has always been one of my favourite ways to spend a day with Rufus, and everyone needs social time – the red wine and cheese is self-explanatory. A home in the country has only recently entered my headspace as an absolute necessity to my future happiness. I want space. I want character. I want vegetables and animals and trees and the vastness. I love everything about a bonfire – the smell, mostly – and can’t think of a more cosy setting than curled up in blankets and beanies and scarves, hands wrapped around a bowl of chickpea stew (or some other hearty, one-pot wonder) – red wine at our feet; laughing with friends around the glow of a fire. Curling up on the couch with Rufus makes me so happy – it had to feature in my perfect day. I’m sure he would be so frustrated with me for falling asleep, but there’s something about dozing off to the sounds of cinema that makes me so damn happy! 

It frustrates me that most of this stuff doesn’t exist in my everyday life. I struggle to get out of bed – leaving Rufus curled up all cozy and cuddly – and do my own thing. Surfing?! I’ve not been for a surf in years. I don’t live in a magical home that’s in equal parts close to the beach and in the country… However, I just know it to be true. I know that would be my perfect day. Perhaps some feeding of dogs and goats and piglets and bunnies thrown in for good measure. What’s most surprising, however, is how little food featured in my perfect day! Perhaps my emotional contentment is no longer linked to food?! (Baby steps…)

The question also got me thinking about context for this perfect day. What would the weather be? (Autumn, – cold at night, sunny and cool during the day – but still early enough in autumn that the sunrise isn’t too late in the morning) Who would the friends/family members be? When do I shower during this day? Would I have all of this planned out beforehand, or would it evolve naturally? (Still not sure about that one… I’m not sure which would bring the most peace; knowing what was happening and on what timeline, and potentially feeling rushed and not “in the moment”, or playing things by ear and having to make decisions on the fly. I suppose it depends on the people I’m with) I think these subsequent questions reveal so much about me. 

What would your perfect day look like? Please comment with your response, or flick me through an email ( – I’d love to know!

Mark and Wingman got married!

Let me just preface this post with: I am SO sorry about my layout. I tried to fix my subscription button and ended up ruining the whole thing. Never fear! Georgia of wherever we find ourselves is on the case with her magical skills with code. Thanks Georgia! I’m so sorry!


So, a couple of weekends ago, Rufus and I took a quick trip to Fiji to see my cousin marry his beautiful fiance. 


The ceremony was during sunset, on the edge of the ocean; it was beyond stunning. It was low key and gorgeous – exactly what the happy couple had wanted – with more photos taken than I had ever seen before! After the ceremony we were serenaded along the beachfront to a big communal table where the festivities would begin. I spent the evening drinking wine, eating copious quantities from the beautiful buffet, dancing with my family (Elton John’s Can You Feel The Love Tonight may have been played more than once), and laughing myself silly. I even caught the bouquet!


A wedding photographer I am not (please excuse me while I reestablish my editing style); I hope I captured even half of the excitement, beauty and love we felt on the day. Watching my father dance to Gangnam Style surrounded by family members new and old is a visual I certainly won’t forget!


I am thankful for my home, which keeps me grounded and safe. I’m thankful for Jango; my ever-bouncy baby bunny – he’ll be turning 1 soon – who makes me smile when I’m feeling my worst. I’m thankful for my clothing; for ever-so-slowly discovering my own personal style, which communicates so much of ourselves to the outside world. I’m thankful for coffee. I’m thankful for Rufus. I’m thankful for a healthy body. I’m thankful for family. I’m thankful for a growing circle of friends. I’m thankful for food – nourishing, wholesome, delicious food – and new favourite restaurants. I’m thankful for an upcoming holiday – and of course, the financial stability required for a mid-year holiday.
I’m thankful for my ring collection. I’m thankful for my hair. I’m thankful for my eye colour. I’m thankful for new BB cream. I’m thankful for a facewash that works. I’m thankful for my favourite sunglasses and my favourite diary and my favourite blouse. I’m thankful for discovering a brand new way to wear cardigans.

I’m thankful for these photos, because they remind me of an awesome weekend spent wandering by the sea, eating delicious food, holding hands, and acquiring wonderful art.

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I need to see the sea again.

monday at the beach.

This weekend past was a quiet one. The most exciting thing I did (apart from Sunday brunch; a goats cheese and rocket omelette with a fat slice of sourdough toast) was drink a bottle of red wine and eat (the majority of) a wheel of brie while watching The OC and the Sex and the City movie (aka a normal Friday night circa 2009). Rufus went to Simon’s bucks night.. at Laneway music festival… so I was a bachelor for the night, and I enjoyed myself far too much! Due to my lack of interesting photos, let’s travel back to last week – the final day of our Australia Day long weekend!

Most people would argue that while Melbourne has the cool factor – the best stores, a plethora of fun pubs, and a new restaurant popping up every other night – Adelaide has the beautiful beaches; and honestly, I’d agree with them. Which is why we were so pleasantly surprised at Carrum Beach! Just a quick roadtrip away, we were greeted with beautiful blue water, clean sand, and – importantly for a city as populated as Melbourne – enough room to stretch ourselves out.

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Please note the stylish water mark on the lens. We laid in the sun and read books on the sand, threw the Aerobie, and swam and played in the water with childlike glee. I didn’t even get sunburned.

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Although we didn’t find any Fish-n-Chip shops for an after-swim snack, it was a pretty awesome way to spend a public holiday.