
It’s been a while, friends. Plenty has changed, I’ve got a lot of blog fodder and a lot of free time, a lot of words, a lot of feelings (“she doesn’t even go here!”), and no idea how to put it all together in an order that makes sense. Also, I’ve not picked up my camera in months.

So let’s start slowly, yeah?

Eatingplenty of veggies! We’re staying with Rufus’ family at the moment, and they have a *drumroll* Thermomix, from which I am getting a LOT of use. Vegetables in everything! Rufus and I have also been enjoying our daily breakfast of oats with almond/soy milk, protein powder (I use this one), maca powder, chia seeds, flaxmeal, blueberries, banana, and almonds. Super filling and delicious!

Cooking: see above. Also, with my excess free time, I’ve rediscovered my love of the kitchen, which is grand. I’ve been making zucchini cakes, chocolate-avocado mousse, soups, and old favourites like Moroccan pumpkin with rice. Sah gahd.

Drinking: it’s starting to get cold now, so a LOT of tea. Green + peppermint, ginger, and plain ol’ black.

Learning: I’ve just completed an online certificate for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (it was as boring as it sounds). Also, I’m going to be starting my Masters by Research in the next few weeks (WOO!), so I’ve been doing a lot of reading on my topic.

Readingeek. So, toward the end of last year I read the last installment of the Southern Reach trilogy. I’ve really enjoyed these books, however they’re pretty… I want to say dense, but also pretty vague. Dense in their vague-ness? My point is that I got lost, so I needed to reread the first two in order to fully grasp the third. Also still plodding through The Third Plate and I pick up Women Who Run With The Wolves every now and then. Love them all.

Wanting: a new laptop. A job. A dog. A surf.

Looking: out the window at blue skies. Oh, Adelaide. Also looking forward to a trail walk tomorrow morning! Fingers crossed those skies stay blue.

Listening: I am absolutely loving the new song from the Bryce Dessner/Sufjan Stevens et al collaboration; Mercury. It’s calming, inspiring bliss. Very much looking forward to the release of Planetarium in 8 days!

Also loving the new The National song – The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness. Ooh! And this banger:

Wasting: mental and emotional energy on old emotional wounds. Potential too, probably.

Liking: the amount of yoga I’ve been doing lately. Rufus has also started doing some of the classes with me and I’m really enjoying it!

Feeling: so many feelings. Excitement, happiness, fear, contentment, belonging, impatience, anxiety, hope… I’m in a transitional stage in more ways than one at present, and while I usually love the murky, chaotic depths of change; this time I feel I’m rushing through it. I’m trying to stay present and remind myself that this, too, shall pass – so enjoy it while it does.

Watching: just finished Legion and really, really enjoyed it. Super weird, but so good. Also reeeally enjoying American Gods as it comes out. I highly recommend not watching the trailers for either show, and going in with an open mind. We watched Logan yesterday as well and I bawled my eyes out. It was pretty good.

Needing: meditation.

Smelling: a new candle I got for my birthday – Patchouli and Sandalwood from the Green Candle Co.

Wearing: mostly trackies and hoodies, to be honest. I’m funemployed and cold 97% of the time, so…

Noticing: just how long this post has gotten…

Grateful for: family, friends, sunshine, and Rufus. Spotlight on family and friends for a moment; nothing like an interstate move – taxing on emotions, funds, and energy – to show you who really loves you. I could not be more grateful to the groups of friends we’ve been lucky enough to stumble across, or the families we’ve been born into, for the endless generosity.

Loving: being home. Oh hey, if you hadn’t picked up on it, we moved back to Adelaide! As much as we both loved Melbourne dearly (still do, miss it greatly), Adelaide is home.

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