Macedon Ranges, Victoria.

I think autumn is my favourite season. The cozy jumpers, boots and scarves, glasses of red wine, persimmons at the farmers market, fresh mornings and sunny days, the relief of a warm cup of coffee in chilly hands… Out in the country, autumn really shines; the colourful leaves, the scent of woodfires, even colder noses and chilled fingertips, and the quiet give me such a sense of peace.

It’s beautiful, restorative, reflective… it brings me back into myself. Grounding, perhaps. I think I need to live away from the big city.


A few weekends ago, Rufus and I went on a little road trip to the Macedon Ranges area for some wine tasting and view-admiring. It was incredibly peaceful; we met some awesome people – so passionate about what they do and make and grow – and made friends with some cute animals. The wine was delicious, the farmer’s market was adorable (RedBeard sourdough bread? Ugh, perfection),  one of the wineries had a freaking goat, and it was just so nice to get out of town and breathe in the fresh air.

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