just a minute in October (late, again).

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is… is my face lopsided?!
Eating: definitely not meat. Kinda grosses me out looking back through my last post reading that I ate kangaroo strips… I don’t regret what I did, but I’m glad I’m back to the land of non-meat eaters. In fact, I’ve gone in the opposite direction and have stopped eating dairy and eggs as well. SO. Mangoes are coming in to season, as are berries… so that makes me happy! 
Cooking: I made the Sprouted Kitchen kale salad last night. Honestly I think that would be one of my most favourite meals ever!
Drinking: no alcohol. I’m one month through a 3-month booze ban and it’s making a world of difference! I feel brighter, more energetic, more “myself”, and generally just clearer. So instead, I’ve been drinking lots of soda water with lime. That sound boring, but it’s delicious.
Learning: a lot about psychology in my electives at uni. I’m really enjoying it! It’s blowing my mind, man. (But… what IS “mind”?!)
Reading: Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon. I’m enjoying it! It’s interesting and fun, but it’s often a little difficult to follow due to the grammar used to represent the Californian inflection. [Finally finished Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell! Really liked it in the end, though it took me a good three months to get through.]
Wanting: basically every single item from Midsummer Star. See my Pinterest board for my favourite beauties.
Looking: forward to Christmas! My parents will be away for Christmas so we’re spending the whole day with Rufus’ family – meaning that for the first time in 6 years, we’ll be at ONE PLACE ALL DAY! 
Listening: my online lectures. I’m studying over the summer this year so all my content is online. Also, Box of Light and Odesza are current favourites.
Wasting: compost 😦 GAH!
Wishing: for the violence to stop.
Liking: my new skincare range from Grace Cosmetics. Cruelty-free, Australian owned, and my skin loves the stuff! 
Feeling: hopeful, happy, fresh, relaxed, balanced, and in control. I’m feeling so very good.
Watching: Ink Master! Face Off! The Block! A lot of reality TV, apparently. Also Broad City (I love it the most).
Needing: money (for tattoos and to get my hair did), to go camping, to go surfing. A holiday. A dog.
Smelling: currently, rose water. (Just on that, Sukin is by far my favourite skincare brand – they’re a cruelty-free and carbon neutral, Australian owned company; and their products make my skin happy). I actually really need a summer fragrance! Any suggestions?
Wearing: long skirts and tank tops. It’s coming into summer!
Noticing: way too many flies. Australia in summer, everybody.
Grateful for: Jango! He is so cute! I bought him his favourite toy yesterday, and he spent the evening playing with it – aka destroying it – and it just made me so happy (see on Instagram).
Loving: life. 

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