just a minute in April/May.

Oh, man. How is it the end of May?! Life is very busy, often stressful, but things are good. I’ve had some sad diagnoses in my family, a blissful week away, and a really, really, really happy engagement. 

May 13, 2015, 11:23 AM | sweetnothings | VSCO Grid
Yup! We got engaged! Overlooking the Indian Ocean in Bali – the day after our 5-year anniversary and the day of my 24th birthday – Rufus asked me to marry him. We both laughed and cried and laughed some more; then drank some beers and danced in our hotel room. It was the happiest moment of my life. I’m going to marry my best friend!

Eating: I just finished a mini Snickers bar, and now I feel sick. Live and learn, right? (Or live and never learn, in this case…)
Cooking: Well… look. Admittedly I haven’t been great at the whole cooking thing lately. I’ve been going with old stand-bys: sweet potato with kale and eggs, pasta with broccoli and chickpeas, stir fry with tofu and soba noodles.
Drinking: heaps of green tea and Berocca; I’m trying to get rid of a cold.
Learning: that I need to slow things down to enjoy life more.
Reading: Following my last catch up post (3 months ago!), I’m reading Stephen Fry’s The Fry Chronicles. Since February, I’ve also finished the Maze Runner trilogy, which I really, really enjoyed, and Damned by Chuck Palahniuk (super strange: classic Chuck).
Wanting: my eyelid eczema to go away.
Looking: forward to heading home to celebrate our engagement! The girls I work with have been 100% amazing about making me feel special and loved… but it is a little sad that we can’t celebrate with our family just yet.
Listening: Mostly I’ve been working to the sounds of my missed Uni lectures. 
Wasting: time trying to multitask.
Wishing: I was a better gardener… everything keeps dying! Partly because I’m lazy and inattentive, partly because I don’t plant things at the right time and/or bugs.
Liking: pear season. 🙂
Feeling: unbelievably happy.
Watching: Rufus and I just finished the latest season of Dr Who (sah gahd). Also watching The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, which is fun, and catching up on Suits.
Needing: a long hot-yoga session. 
Smelling: Sukin’s Hydrating Mist Toner. My skin is super dehydrated this winter, which is fun.
Wearing: layers. Preppy layers. 
Noticing: the way my new ring sparkles in the sunlight. It acts like a disco ball, and that pleases me. 
Grateful for: the girls I work with. They’ve been absolutely amazing – decorated my office and planned a surprise morning tea and are genuinely excited for me. I’m so, so lucky!
Loving: my fiance. Naw, what a sap!

One thought on “just a minute in April/May.

  1. Yay, a new blog post! So so happy for you two, can't wait to celebrate when you're in town!

    Also, everything in the 'Cooking' section sounds delish! Ditto on needing a long hot-yoga sesh (or any yoga sesh), I've been working out a lot more lately and need to stretch every day!



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