happy new year, friends!

I’m five days late to the party, and with not a photo to share. I’ll update a little later in the week but for now please accept my apologies, my happiest wishes for your 2015, and a little holiday gratitude list:

For playful kittens, a trip to our favourite pub, and a night of wine tasting, shit-talking, hot-wing eating fun with some favourite friends. For a quiet catch up with a small group of old pals – memories shared and so much laughter. For the sunshine, the smell of the ocean, and a body fit enough to ride the waves (nothing makes me feel more like myself than the ocean). For deep pain and fear, shared amongst a family, that will bring us closer. For a whole entire day of lounging on the couch, watching movies and TV shows with two of the coolest cats I know (guys, I’m sorry I fell asleep during Boxtrolls). For chai tea dates and wine dates with people who bring me back to myself. For my job  – I never, ever forget how lucky I am to work where I do, with the people I do. 

2014 was a huge year for Rufus and I – we moved across the country, started new jobs, ate a LOT of food and drank a LOT of coffee, saw some wonderful live music (including personal favourites The Lumineers and The National), visited Fiji with my family for a beautiful wedding, visited Adelaide multiple times, visited the Gold Coast with one of my oldest friends and had stupid amounts of fun, hit some tumultuous terrain and fought our way through, and learned more about ourselves and our relationship than either of us expected to. I studied my little butt off, made some wonderful new friends, embarked on a volunteer program that makes me incredibly happy, and learned how to let myself slow down (people that know me will laugh at that last one… but really, I didn’t run any marathons this year or learn a new language! Baby steps!).

My intention for 2015 is not too far from my 2014 intention (mindfulness) – presence. I’d like to focus once again on my finances, travel some more, keep showing up, and be 100% in it.

So here’s to 2015, friends – to health and happiness and new adventures.

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