
I don’t know what it is, but lately, I’ve been craving time outdoors. So this Friday after work, Rufus and I bundled up our newly acquired camping gear and set off with my cousin, her boyfriend, and their friend; to the wilderness.

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We had a fire burning the whole time, drank beer, and told spooky stories as we huddled around the fire at night. We toasted marshmallows on sticks, collected firewood, ate egg (and bacon for some) sandwiches every morning, boiled water for coffee in the Billy, and caught yabbies. We went bushwalking and collected quartz, played Uno and ate crisps around our little plastic table, saw a pod of kangaroos, and woke with the sun every morning to the sound of kookaburras laughing. 

We were in the middle of nowhere – no showers, no toilet blocks, no phone reception – just us, and the great outdoors. It was exactly what I needed; and I cannot wait to go again.

4 thoughts on “camping.

  1. I'm definitely not a camping person and “I want to go camping” is a thought that's never cross my mind to be honest! Glad you had a good time 🙂


  2. Haha each to their own! We were clearly the most “prissy” of the group, with our blow-up air mattress, 3 sleeper tent, sleeping bags plus blanket, and sweet potatoes. One dude slept in his car while my cousin and her partner just pulled out a swag! Much more adventurous.


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