just a minute in August.

Wearing: my new tattoo – with pride! (The meaning of the white tulip. Also; this. We were there! We were raising our white tulips!Also, a lot of black and grey.

Following: I go through phases with blogs I follow. At present, I’m cruising through the pages of Kylie Turley’s blog and pining for travel adventures.

Excited for: a trip to the Gold Coast with friends in October! We’ll be heading to the theme parks for Fright Night festivities on Halloween, and spending a few days on the beach in the sunshine drinking beers. This all happens after the completion of my exams. To say I’m excited would be an understatement!

Planning: trips overseas, tattoos, camping adventures.

Feeling: exhausted, satisfied, proud. I’m working full time and study 3 subjects per semester at Uni – life is full to the brim at the moment and although I’m happy as a lark, I’m so damn tired!

Wanting: travel, camping gear, and an Aeropress. Maybe also some new skirts, for when the weather gets nicer.

Grateful for: my adorable bunny, who has started giving actual hugs with his tiny little paws (it’s ridiculous). The brighter mornings, which make getting up at 6am for a run just a little bit easier. And the boxes of fresh produce we get delivered every fortnight – for introducing us to new fruits and vegetables, and encouraging us to eat seasonally and locally.

Watching: Ink Master, The Block, and Awkward. 

Reading: The Luminaries. I have this really bad habit of falling asleep while reading at present (and consequently dropping the book on my face), so it’s not moving along very quickly.

Drinking: coffee, mostly.

Listening: The Beginners Soundtrack, Broods, and Alt-J’s new song.

Loving: I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – the sunshine! Spring is definitely on its way! 

5 thoughts on “just a minute in August.

  1. Love the tattoo! Excellent choice.

    Buy yourself some new skirts because a) why not, and b) Dangerfield have buy 2 get 1 free on Princess Highway stuff at the moment.

    The Luminaries will take up a lot of your time but it is totally worth it. At times I thought it could have picked up the pace, but it very much suits the era and is a great, slow burn of a story.

    I'm also digging Alt-J's new track and also 'Gold' by Chet Faker.


  2. May I just say, you are the BOMB for telling me about that Princess Highway sale! I got 2 dresses and a skirt for $80 🙂 stoked!

    I love that “slow burn of a story” – you're so right. I need a bit of slowness in my life right now!

    I'll check out Chet Faker! Thanks!


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