slices of weekend(s).

Um, well, it’s been a while. So much is going on right now, most of which I don’t know how to articulate, and some of which I can’t tell you about just yet. So let’s focus on some little things for now.

My weeks have been filled with happiness and good food – of course. Breakfasts at Rosey’s (rosemary mushrooms with smashed avocado and sambal on rye), The Annex (hazelnut croissants), home (blueberry and lemon yoghurt pancakes), and Zest (smokey baked beans and smashed avocado). Cheese tasting, chocolate tasting, beer tasting, and wine tasting on a mini-trip to Hahndorf. Photography exhibitions at the Adelaide museum, goodbyes at airports at 6am, movies and meals with friends as part of the Adelaide Film Festival, Amazing Race marathons after work, and lots of bunny cuddles.
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I haven’t been living very mindfully lately; I haven’t taken photos in a couple of weeks, which is something that – despite judgmental glances and scoffs from fellow diners – I genuinely enjoy. Ah well; I’m enjoying life – you’ll just have to take my word for it! I’ve eaten some delicious food, drunk some amazing wine, and laughed so hard I cried on more than one occasion. I love my little family.

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